Unknown Species

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Leah- Typical junior girl.

Martin- Typical girl's crush.

*other charachters will appear as necessary.*

*Leah's POV*

I was walking down the hallway of my school at the end of the day when I saw him. Him. That boy. I had seen him before. Somewhere.. But where? Where had I seen him? Why did he look so familiar? Who is he?

All the thoughts had been knocked out of my head by my friends May, Kate, and Donna.

"Uhm, Leah?! Hello??!!"

May screamed in my ear. I jumped out of lala land and back into reality.

"Huh?" I looked at her.

"Huh?" She repeats mocking me.

"Shut up." I murmured.

Donna chimes in. "Leah was daydreaming about Maaarrttiiinnn." She drew his name out like a magician pulling those colorful ropes out of his sleeve.

"His name's Martin?" I said.

Kate giggled. "Leah's got a crush!" She chanted rather loudly.

"Kate!!!" I caught and shushed her.


"I do not have a crush!" I quickly grabbed my things out of my locker and hurriedly walked towards my next class. In my haste I wasn't paying much attention and ran into someone, dropping all my belongings.

"Crap..." I started picking my stuff up.

The person squatted down and started helping me. "Don't worry, ill help you get all your stuff before the first bell even rings."

I looked up at him and nearly screamed. His face so smooth, eyes a shining hazelnut brown, his hair a shaggy light brown. It was him.

"You okay?" He asked helping me up and handing me my things.

"Y-Yes I'm fine."

"You don't seem fine. Should I take you to the nurses office?" He felt my forehead and I must've been on fire and bright red. He took my bag and grabbed my hand and started walking me to the nurses office.

"Oh you really don't have to I know the way.." I said pulling my hand out of his ten stumbling in my two inch wedges. Two inches and stumbling? I must look like a pathetic girl to him.

He chuckled softly, a low smooth sound.

"What's so funny?"

"You are so funny."

"What did I do?"

"Oh nothing..."

"I want to know." I pouted.

"Aw someone's a little pouty?"

I quickly fixed my face and we kept walking. The first bell rang.

"Please go you will be late." I said pleading to him to go so I could turn around as well and go back to my class because I knew there was absolutely nothing wrong with me besides being touched by the one boy that's on my mind 24/7.

"I'm not leaving you. What if ou fall or drop your stuff again?"

"I won't. I promise."

"I know you won't because I won't let you. I'm not leaving until I get you to the nurses office. What kind of guy would I be if I left an innocent girl like you here so I wouldn't get a tardy?"

"Fine. What's your name anyways?"


I nodded and waited for him to ask my name but he didn't. I guess he didn't really care to know.

"Oh, by the way, Leah whats your first class? Ill walk you there."

"Agricultural Science.." I said. He already knew my name. It's not like I didn't already know his but I just wanted to hear him say it himself.

"Great." He smiled.

We arrived at the nurses office and she let Martin stay in with me while she checked me out. No visible injuries, normal temperature. She lets me go and writes us both passes. He walks me to my class, holding my stuff.

"Have a very nice day Leah."

"You too Martin."

And with that he was gone. He walked down the hallway and turned the corner an was out of my sight.

========================== How's that for a first chapter?


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