3 (alternate ending)

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"And I hereby present, Dazai Osamu as the winner of this art contest! Congratulations, Dazai Osamu!"

"Dazai, you're amazing!"

"Dazai, you're the best!"

"Dazai, marry me!"

"Dazai, let's die together!"

"Oh, thank you, thank you. You flatter me all too much!"

"Are you done yet?"

Chuuya's voice interrupted Dazai's little roleplay session with he, himself, and those hands of his. "This shit is lame as hell. That's why no one talks to you and you still haven't gotten the first place yet."

"That's of course. No one can hold back their dying love for me once I win the art contest," Dazai replied the ginger with a confident smile. "And the teachers are too lame to accept my art. The sceneries around all suck too except for the one I referenced, it was a terrible idea for them to choose that as a topic last year."

"Or maybe it's because you picked a cemetery for reference when the topic is colourful flower field?" Chuuya sighed as he sat down next to Dazai, staring at the empty canvas in front of the brunette. "So? What's the topic this year?"

"My strongest forte," Dazai smirked. "Not sceneries, people."

"Are you going to draw a skeleton?" Chuuya questioned with an unimpressed expression. "I wouldn't really be surprised. Rather, I'd be surprised if you didn't draw something like that."

"Thanks Chuuya, that was a strong boost of motivation and encouragement coming from you. I appreciate it."

"Dumbass, they're going to disqualify you again if you really hand in a portrait of a skeleton."

The ginger rolled his eyes. His classmate was completely hopeless, how is he even in this school at this point? Chuuya's gaze averted from the canvas to Dazai's bandaged wrist as the brunette picked up a pencil and began to sketch on an empty paper.

"Say, Dazai...."


"What's up with your bandages? I kept asking but you wouldn't tell me. You're not doing stupid stuff, are you?" Chuuya frowned.

"I use my wrist as a paint palette since it's more convenient. It's embarrassing so I wrap it up with bandages most of the time just in case anyone questions it," Dazai explained as he adjusted his canvas stand. "Chuuya, can you do me a favor?"

"Depends on what it is," Chuuya answered, tilting his head in question.

"Be my model for the art contest."

Chuuya stared at the brunette for a long moment. Dazai only stared back, waiting for a respond.

"For real?"

"For real."

Chuuya contemplated about it for a few seconds, his hand resting on his chin as Dazai waited for his answer patiently. The ginger stared into Dazai's eyes again before heaving a sigh, nodding. "Fine, I'll do it."

"Alriight!!! Now, you just have to sit on the stool there everyday in front of me. That's fine, right?"

"I better get something back in return," Chuuya grumbled as he moved to sit on the stool by Dazai's instructions. "What's up with me having to be the model anyway? I don't even have the looks."

"Quit whining and just sit still, chibi," Dazai rolled his eyes as he pulled out some bottled acrylic paint, unwrapping his bandages on one arm. Chuuya tried to take a sneak peak under his bandages, only for Dazai to dab paint onto his arm right after.

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