Cherry's Nightmare

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My lungs, they're on fire, my legs feel like jello and my feet have went from pain to swollen with no feeling at all, the path is starting to seem to blurr, I am so very tired but I have to keep going further, I've got to get there in time!

I make it to the fountain at the Park and simply collapsed into the water before my arms erected from either sides of my body, splashing me back up to take a deep breath of air then continue to audibly pant from the running. Flutters had left earlier than usual this morning, she merely left a note saying she'll be going out to get some more gardening tools so I took this as a chance to finally get out of the cottage in daylight and fix my near hopeless stamina, as athletic as I am my fuel tank sure runs dry quickly and I can't have that anymore if I am to actually protect anyone or even myself, from the fountain to the cottage I timed myself with a simple watch and see how many laps I can do.

Fluttershy's POV
I think I get it now, the guy from before, he kept crying about some Cherry and how he loves her, oh boy... this might spell trouble for me. I wish (y/n) would scream out such things about me in their dying moments too, it'd be so romantic, wait I'm getting off track. First pony I have to ask has to be Pinky, it's not like she'd even suspect anything right? Apart from her, it'd be the element of Friendship, Twilight but she'd most definitely read into why I'm looking for a pony named Cherry. "Okay, here goes nothing." I gathered my nerves and confront Pinkie in her place of work.

"OOOOOOH!! Heya FLUTTERSHY, what would my best friend want from the Sugarcube Corner today?!" She flared
"U-umm, actually Pinkie, I.. I'm actually looking for somepony, I only know part of their name, Cherry, they have a red curly mane, do you think you can help?" I asked, "hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm." I waited, "mmmmmmmmm, curly like this?" She started pointing to a cupcake with softserved style frosting, "uh, n-no.." "like this?!" She interjected opening up a spring, "n-no." I add, "like this?!" She said tugging at her own curls, "well, actually yes but shorter and only at the edges of their mane." I said, "Oh you must be talking about Cherry Dream, that's a good friend of mine we did all types of great stuff together, like..."

Pinkie flashback
"Hi!" Pinkie exclaimed as Cherry jumps at the scare, "Pretty cool party right, I don't mean to brag or anything but I planned it myself hehehe!" She states with chin up and chest out as Cherry Dream's orange gaze looked around and she begun to distance herself from the mere.
End of flashback

"...Ah, good times" Pinkie concludes as I simply gave a half hearted smile, "Oh okay, thanks and could I get some cupcakes to go for later?" I added, "Sure!"
I eventually make my way out of the shop and begun my search for Cherry Dream, how dare she get that close to my (Y/n)?! She must pay! I've been keeping it in all along, but after seeing him ontop of her like that last night, I can't help feeling like I want to snap her neck, not only is she trying to steal my love away but she's a threat to my reputation, if Zecora is involved, she must be trying to find out what happened to her, 'lost' lover, grrr why was that idiot watching me slaughter the animals, is it so wrong to prepare something to eat for the one you love, even if it involves such a sacrifice! He's happy, he looked at me with such happy eyes, I caused that, I want to be the reason for that, I can't give that feeling up... no, definitely not... I must rid my path of all that get in the way, I know we're falling in love I just know it!


A voice shuts my thoughts out as I refocus my mind to reality, "Hey, funny meeting you here, this is way off from your cottage." She said looking up at me with a wide smile, "O-oh umm, I'm just stretching my wings is all." Sigh, even in avoiding her she finds me, "Oh, I was just trying to find out the cause of the recent increase in Timberwolf attacks that go over into Ponyville, I'm a little burnt out now though, mind if I join you?"
"NO!!!" ...Uh,"Uhmm, I mean, I have a very very shy friend I'm going to meet up with and I don't think I can bring company t-to introduce to them, sorry." I added, as Twilight's wings retracted, "Hmm, that's fine, I hope to meet this new friend soon then hehe, by the way how are things with you and (Y/n)?" She said as I felt my heart dance at the mention of their name my face became hot as I covered it, damn it (Y/n) why do you have such a spell on me, "GAH..I-I GOTTA GO BYEEE!" I spurt out before taking off.

'Sigh, there's really no helping it at all, I can't stop feelings this strong, I'm sorry to anyone who wants to get in the way of our love, but I can't fight it I don't want to fight these feelings, which is why...' I thought as I swooped in and grabbed Cherry Dream in the forest, "wa-wait, what, how did you know where I was, LET ME GO?!" She thrashed about in my grasp as I flew higher up, "My pleasure ehe~" I said letting her go from above the cover of the clouds. "AAAAAH!" I relished her screaming as it faded the further down she dropped, 'Poor earth pony, but you should've known better than to lock eyes with my husband like that.' before cutting through the fluff of the white clouds, flying to Sugarcube Corner then home after that above the clouds.

(Y/n) POV
Just having finished my shower, I threw a towel around my waist and tucked it tut in place, "I'm home (Y/n) and I got cupcakes!" I heard Flutters adorable voice resonate from the living room as I entered with Angel hopping up to the table to grab one as soon as Fluttershy placed it on the table before she tugged it away from him, "no no no.. these aren't for you, take this one instead Angel." She timidly stated as a row of cupcakes was separate from the rest as my own whilst giving him another, I grin as I approached with her eyes widening at me.

"Wha-what do you think you're doing?!" She squealed as her hands came up to cover her face as her wedding and middle fingers clearly made a gap to peep, "Hehe what, it's just my upper body, I'm sure that you see this sorta stuff all the time, mine isn't anything all that impressive either hehe." I let out a nervous cackle, "sh-SHUT UP, IT'S YOU THAT'S THE REASON WHY I'M SO FLUSTERED!" She exclaimed rocking her head side to side looking to the table as I felt my face warm up abit at the words she said before taking a big bite of one of my cupcakes. Flutters soon rests her palms back on her thighs, face still clearly roasting but more tame, "I hope it's good, because I really need you to finish atleast one cupcake for what I have planned..." I licked my finger off from the delectable frosting, wait... What she just said? "Wha-what do you mean by that?" I asked a bit concerned

Fluttershy got up and sat ontop of my lap before eating her own cupcake and soon sharing a deep kiss with me the flavours danced elegantly with her saliva and tongue, the movement was as if she was massaging my tongue all around with the tip of her own before she eagerly swallowed her mix of cupcake, frosting and my own saliva opening her mouth wide as if to show me it's all gone before kissing me again as her hands guide my own onto her rear, while her arm wrapped under my back and and the under under my arm holding my head in place, I was in total bliss and shock all together, a sensory overload of course, as I looked to Angel with mouth agape before fainting, Flutters paid him no mind as she begun suckling on my tongue as I felt my consciousness begin to slip aswell, as much as I fought it, there was no use, it was coming in hard, "hehe Sweet dreams my love~" I barely hear before, darkness.

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