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Now aslı in the 10th in vocational high school. The class and lessons were now neat in the classroom 10th in vocational high school. The class and lessons were now neat in the classroom From now on aslı Elys who had friends was jealous of it and now Elys who had friends was jealous of it and now she started having different dreams. Elys was doing this as revenge pnun entered the dream of 4 of his friends and started killing in his dream elys actually asked him to make or have a necklace made but there was something special on him and he wanted a red ribbon on the head to represent the blood aslı she agreed and asked her mother to make a necklace. And her mother makes the necklace elys rejoiced in it and ended her dream killing,if aslı alone elys always in her mind. She isnt a real animatronic but she is a real plushie and nacklace Elys always be aslı's friend who know İf elys was a real animatronic how aslı can take care of her? And Who made elys? I can tell you! Aslı made elys becouse aslı dont want to feel lonley she always want have friend, dont blame her.

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