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Tae's pov ~

I was having my breakfast thinking about my life.....what if i also had my mom who would yell at me to wake me up....who would make delicious breakfast and feed me forcefully even though i am getting late....what if my appa would be here to tie my shoes and set my hair always before driving me off to uni, what if-

Aish Tae stop this now, you are already getting late for the first day after your summer breaks...*sigh* yeah holidays are over and i again have to go to that hell, why hell? that you'll know soon...now come on hurry up we are getting late....you still laying there reading this sh!t.....YAHHH! I am talking to you, yes you dumbo Wattsh!t fan, come on who else is there in my life besides you? *Chuckle*

I am standing in front of my uni which at a time was a living nightmare for me but not anymore you can say....*sigh* 'let's get over it, fighting!'. Students are walking, playing, laughing and teasing each other while i am again walking alone with my head low...no wait you are with me my dumbo *smack your forehead* *giggle*.

People calls me Alien (not this shitty author's name) for a reason you know....oh hey did you see my uniform? Yeah we have to wear uniform in uni also *pout*.

oh hey did you see my uniform? Yeah we have to wear uniform in uni also *pout*

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Imagine my hair however you wants.

I was walking peacefully when suddenly someone stood in front of me causing me to bump in their hard chest and fell.....

"oww" i looked up and sighed before standing up and dusting my uniform ignoring those laughing chickens or may i say some pests looking boys who are also my seniors.

Suddenly one of them griped my wrist causing me to look at him with wide eyes....oh what was his name? Junseo? Yeah Park Junseo, the biggest fuckboy of the uni.....he pulled me towards him but i pushed him hard causing him to stumble back.

"Leave before he breaks some of your bones" I calmly said already frustrated for the day enough.....and they chuckled? The audacity *scoff*

"Why fag? Aren't you too confident that your big bully will be here on the first day of uni" one of his minion said and yup i was talking about my bully if you are confused babe.

"And what if i say he isn't wrong" a dark voice boomed through the whole corridor causing every student to stiff on their places and before anyone can react Jungseo was laying on the floor holding his broken jaw.

"Leave" and now the whole corridor was empty creeped with unknown silence causing me to gulp and god i can hear myself gulping i swear.

Suddenly i was slammed against the lockers with a hand gripping on my waist but i didn't looked up unknowingly pissing him more....well he my bully and only he can bully me so you can call it a personal bully? No-one i repeat no-one can go against him in this whole University and i seriously don't know why....anygays my life was hell before he came, not like it's good now but atleast there is only one person whom i have to runor escape right, coz others already run away from me like i have plague.....only because he threatened everyone...well not like i am complaining here as you know i fucking loves to be alone without any bees eating my head.

"You know the rule doll" he whispered breathing heavily causing me to gulp again and look up at him only to see him bending down upto my level and standing so close to me....yup i know i am short like you dumbo, wait no b!ssh we are not short, it's him who is big and build like hulk.

"Where is your phone?" He asked causing me to freeze knowing what is coming.

"I ASKED WHERE IS YOUR FUCKING PHONE?" he yelled punching the locker beside my head and i flinched badly knowing the locker is already broke.

"I-it slipped fr-from my hands in ba-bathroom" i replied closing my eyes tightly.

"You sure you didn't try to flush it again" he said causing me to look up at him with wide eyes.....aish how can i forget he knows me better than myself.

"I-i am sorry" i again stuttered praying every god in the universe to help me but then i looked up at him thinking something....wait who is he? Dark eyes, nibbling the lip piercing with the grip on my waist tightening every second...No shit i am doomed why this devil is out in early morning god! Why JK why??????

No shit i am doomed why this devil is out in early morning god! Why JK why??????

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Clever than you think.
Obsessive and psycho.
Don't care about anything once you triggered him.
Like to see the flowing red liquid from human bodies.

*Sigh* i was able to somehow find he have D.I.D and i swear you'll be dead in shock if you someday see how fast his personalities change.

"I am getting angry doll" he whispered tapping his finger on the locker beside my head, bitch no! he isn't getting angry HE IS GETTING MAD and don't ask me coz i know by the way he is breathing.

So getting the signal I immediately tiptoed and kissed his cheek for long five seconds and he immediately hugged me buring his face in my neck, leaving me to hold myself from shivering or even I can't imagine what'll be coming if he ever feel me shivering somewhere near him.

What? It's just bullying ok....don't stress your tiny brain or it'll explode in upcoming chapters knowing what a b!ssh this author is....*sigh* i am not saying i am enjoying this but you know i somehow get used to this after all it's been years this storm came into my sh!tty life.

"Lunch time" he whispered before leaving without looking back at once and i sighed heavily knowing what is coming.

So, how's it?
Hope you guy's like it....(1000 words).
Thanxu for reading 🥺.
Love you all ❤️.

- Alien

𝘽𝙪𝙡𝙡𝙮'𝙨 𝙎𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙨 / 𝑻𝒂𝒆𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now