the stormy seas

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"Why they pushed for the marriage to happen this soon?", Galantea asked her brother.

"Seasons work differently in Westeros, sister. They are having autumn and their Maesters talk about a long winter that will last for years. They wish to be done with it and not wait for summer again -if summer follows winter at all."

"A long winter that lasts for years? What is that even supposed to mean?"

"I have no idea.", said Lysaro while putting his sword on the table and losing his balance because of the thundering storm and deep waves. The boat was shaking and half of their servants and a large part of the crew were throwing up.

"Lysaro we are Lyseni.", Galantea said with an annoyed voice. "We never knew winter in our lives and now you are saying that we will have to endure that shit for years?"

"Well you will have to, I will return back to Lys the moment I will be sure that there is no threat for our dearest sister."

"Does she even knows about this?"

Lysaro sent her a look. "She knows everything about Westeros. It was very known that she would marry a Westerosi Prince."

"I thought father would never settle for such an arrangement after we've been denied by Prince Aegon."

"Queen Alicent and Lord Otto explained to us why they had to act quickly. She was too young to get married and those bastards would seal the deal if they didn't do that."

"And now she is going to marry one of those bastards."

"She is a Princess, it is her who matters not that bastard. That's why they had to marry the boy to someone who's in his status and not an ordinary lady. They knew this was no one can question the boy or his brothers' legitimacy because it would jeopardize our sister and her future children."

"Lysaro,", she said with a serious tone. "can you look me in the eye and say that our father will not fight for a Green fraction restoration?", Lysaro stood silent. "Lysaro!", she pressured.

"I don't know what's going on in father's mind. All I know is that he is no friend of the Blacks."

"And yet he marries his eldest daughter with one of them, promising her the crown and expects her to give birth to heirs. If she does that and then he would put Aegon on the throne her and her children's life would end within days. What kind of a plan is even this? He loves her and cherishes her and now sends her to her own death and sorrow?"

Lysaro seemed in disbelief. "Our father might be ambitious but not an idiot and definitely not a brute. He would do such a thing to none of us. He has a different plan, I can feel that."

"Wait till she has a boy and then kill everyone and put the baby on the throne and rule through him?", Galantea mocked him. "If we both agree that our father's intentions are not innocent then maybe we should warn her."

"You think she doesn't know it already?", he raised an eyebrow. "She is smarter than both of us. She knows and probably even knows what the whole plan is."

Then the ship shook so badly that Lysaro fell to the bed while Galantea first hit its walls and fell to the floor. "Fuck.", she hit her head badly.

"I'll call for a physician."

"Not necessary.", she gritted her teeth. "The girls are not well, they are taking care of them."

House Rogare was the wealthiest house in the known world right now. Their bank was richer than Iron Bank itself. Their father had become king -which was something never happened before in Lys. He still carried the Magister title but people bowed to him while calling him their king.

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