Chapter One

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Planet Fastoon

Polaris Galaxy

17 years earlier

Today Is A Day I Will Never Forget

Clear blue skies, the air was warm on our fur and everyone was doing their own thing as usual. Father was a General in the Lombax Praetorian Guard and that morning he headed off to the Court of Azimuth to meet with his fellow colleagues as usual. Mother worked too, she normally didn't leave us with our aunt till a little later, Father always had to be at the Court really early. Mother was a councilwoman that had represented our kind and worked with my father's branch.

Just like any ordinary day she carried my baby brother and held my hand as she took us to our aunts house for the day. My aunt always watched us, since my mother worked and my aunt didn't. After she kissed Austin's head, she laid him down on the ground so he could crawl around on my aunt's floor. She then gave me a big squeeze, kissed my cheek and said, "I'll be back later children. Thank you again, Em." With that she walked out and was on her way to work.

My brother was sitting on the beautiful red and blue rug my aunt had made herself. He was playing with some bolts and a toy ship. I was intently watching the HoloVid.

Suddenly, we heard some ships fly through the air. My aunt looked out the window and said, "Must be the guard doing some practice drills." Right after she said that a rumble was felt and heard throughout the whole city. My aunt looked startled. Her Nav-Unit started to ring, it was my mother. My brother was completely oblivious, I mean how could he not be? He was just a year old. My aunt answered the call and I was going to pay as much attention as I could. "Hello?", my aunt answered, seeming a little worried. I could hear the tone of my mothers voice and it wasn't a good one. "Em! We are under attack!", my mother shouted. I could hear shrieking and gun fire. "Someone shot a missile at our office!", my mother screamed. "What?!?", my aunt questioned in fear. "Silas! Silas was killed on impact by the missile!", my mother shouted, you could hear the pain in her voice. I ran to my aunt and tugged on her pants and asked, "Daddy?" I knew my fathers name, but I could not really understand their words. She just looked down at me as tears started to form in her big brown eyes. Before I knew it tears started to form in mine. "Emily!", my mother shouted as she was running from destruction. "Listen! Emily! You have to get out of the house! General Kaden is having everyone meet inside the Court of Azimuth as shelter from the attack! We can't compete against these men! Listen, I'll meet you halfway!" my mother shouted. My aunt could only nod in understanding. Her and my mother hung up.

My aunt looked at us and said, "Come on, we have to go." She scooped up my brother and took my hand and we began heading out of the house to the Court of Azimuth.

We were dodging all sorts of fire. These ugly frog heads with armor were shooting at us. I don't know what they were. All I knew was they were dangerous. I saw this ugly looking rodent  thing in a big chair with spider-like legs. I saw him crush a poor innocent lombax by the market with his large mechanical leg.

I could see my mother waving in the distance. She was shouting, but we could barely hear her over the sounds of war. Within an instant I was on the ground. Face first in the sand. What just happened? Did I trip? I leaned up and looked over at my aunt, she had been shot. I crawled over to her weeping, "Auntie?", I asked quietly under my weeps. She didn't respond, I pushed her over to see if she would wake up. All that was revealed was that she had a wound the size of my fist in her chest. I recollected my self quickly when I heard the sound of a baby crying. Wait, that was my brother! I rushed to him quickly. "Austin! I'm coming buddy!", I shouted frantically. I picked him up and tried to find my mother.

I looked around frantically, then I spotted her. She was being attacked by a Drophyd. I couldn't run over there and try to save her, I was a child. I would get me and my brother both killed.

I laid on the ground with my brother to try and blend in with the rest of the deceased lombaxes. This was such a terrible sight. My home destroyed. My family, murdered.

I looked back over to my mother, the drophyd was gone. Finally, maybe Mother is just playing like me. She was lying there, she was seriously injured. She looked at us and smiled. "My babies, you're okay.", she managed to get out softly. I placed my brother next to her and laid beside her myself. We both clung to her. She was hurt badly. Her once beautiful dark chocolate brown fur was tattered, bruised and covered in her own blood. With what energy she had left she brushed a piece of my hair back and said, "My sweet Natasha, listen to Mommy. You and your brother need to run, run far away from here." She coughed up a bit of blood. "I love you two so much. I pray nothing like this happens to you.", she said in such a soft tone. She tied something around my arm that looked to be like a piece of jewelry. "Our ship is by the house the army has moved past it. Go, go get in it and fly away from here. No one will ever know you left.", she commanded. "But Mommy-", I said not knowing what to do without her. "Go sweetie. Take your brother and go. Mommy's about to leave too.", she stated softly with tears in her still beautiful green eyes. "Will I ever see you again?", I asked as my matching emerald
eyes teared up. "In due time sweetheart, in due time.", she said as her voice was starting to fade away. "I love you guys.", she said as that was her last words to us before she drifted off to a world of no pain. "I love you too, Mommy", I said as tears fell from my eyes and made my fur wet.

I then picked up my brother and realized something I didn't realize before. Part of his left ear was missing, the very tip of it. The bleeding had stopped and he wasn't crying. He was probably in shock, he didn't even realize the pain. I ran home or to what used to be home. The house was torn apart. What once was a peaceful family home was now just rubble. I ignored it and found our ship and hopped in with my little brother. I was too young to fly a ship by myself, good thing it had auto pilot. I knew how to get the ship into autopilot mode. My father taught me this recently. I punched in some random coordinates and let the ship take us out of this terrible genocide.

We took off on our way to find a new home. This was going to be hard, I was still a child having to raise a smaller child. Maybe someone would take us in or at least help us. Austin was already asleep and I was drifting in and out. This was going to be a long ride and I'm not just talking about getting to the coordinates.

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