Chapter 3

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Many years passed, kingdoms fell and villages rose from where those kingdoms once were. However, out of one area sprouted dense dark forest which created a barrier between a small village and whatever horrors awaited within the twisted woods. Only skilled hunters could enter and even then there were always reports of people going missing. The bodies of those that went missing were hardly ever found, those that were found with large parts missing and stripped clean to the bone.

The small quaint village bustled with activity, the villagers enjoying their peaceful life under the care of a merchant who had saved them years ago. It wasn't a wealthy village, to which the people were perfectly fine with as they preferred their humble lifestyle. That was why everyone took notice whenever wealthy merchants arrived in town. Even more so when they walked around cursing loudly to themselves.

Xie Lian had heard the cursing and went to investigate the familiar voice. He stayed close to the alleyways so he could hide if necessary. As the voice grew closer he tilted his bamboo hat up out of his line of sight. He froze in shock when he saw Mu Qing stalking through the crowded main street. Carefully, he pushed his way through the crowd that was going about their own errands.

"Mu Qing?" Xie Lian asked as he walked up to his older brother.

Mu Qing spun around glaring. "What do you want?"

Xie Lian recoiled. "What are you doing here? What's wrong?"

"Have you seen Feng Xin?" Mu Qing sighed and released some of his tension after seeing Xie Lian.

Xie Lian looked at Mu Qing confused. "No, I haven't seen him. He was here?"

"That idiot." Mu Qing growled. "He was supposed to tell you he was here in case the 'deal' went south."

"Deal? What deal?" Xie Lian asked motioning Mu Qing to follow him away from the street.

"There's a rumor about a castle nearby that is said to be incredibly wealthy. Feng Xin decided it was too good to ignore so he came here to go find the castle. That was a month ago." Mu Qing stated as he followed Xie Lian rolling his eyes at the ridiculousness of their middle brother's thinking.

"A castle? You mean the one that's supposed to be in the forest?" Xie Lian asked worriedly. "Many people have gone missing and been killed in that forest by something. No one has ever seen or survived whatever causes the disappearances."

Mu Qing groaned. "Great... that asshole better not have died."

Xie Lian sighed softly. "Let me go look for him."

Mu Qing raised an eyebrow with a scoff. "Why should I let you go alone?"

"Because I know the area better than you. I've stayed around here as things have changed. You and Feng Xin left the first chance you had." Xie Lian said, looking at him seriously. "Plus I don't want you going missing as well."

Mu Qing wanted to argue with what Xie Lian said, but he could not find a valid argument against what was said. Xie Lian shook his head lightly, seeing Mu Qing's internal debate. He however quietly waited for Mu Qing's answer.

"Fine..." Mu Qing huffed, folding his arms. "But if you don't come back I'm coming to find the both of you."

Xie Lian nodded, smiling lightly. "Thank you. You can stay at my home while you wait."

"Thank you." Mu Qing sighed a bit. Xie Lian headed to his home to get ready to leave and to show Mu Qing a room to stay. When that was done he set off towards the forest.

Xie Lian paused at the treeline and looked inward, unsure of what he was going to find within the twisted wood. Taking a deep breath he stepped through the threshold, leaving behind the warmth of the sun despite the cool autumn breeze. He started to shiver and pulled his white outer robe tighter around him, hoping to ward off the chill from the cold wintery air. He knew he couldn't turn back if he wanted to find his older brother.

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