~*Chapter Five*~

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Kirishima woke up as he felt himself be lifted and moved, book still on his chest. He let his eyes flutter open and looked up at the other, "Oh... I fell asleep. I'm sorry," he murmured and shifted to be put down again.

Bakugou, for his part, just kept ahold of him, frowning at the squirming, "Yeah, you slept. You don't need to fucking apologize for normal behavior." he muttered.
Kirishima stopped moving when he realized Bakugou wasn't going to let him go and hummed, "Well, I'm sorry you had to carry me.

You could have just woke me up." he said, looking up into the other's eyes.

Bakugou shrugged, "Don't fucking apologize. If I didn't want to do shit, I wouldn't do it. How were your flowers? Must have been really boring to pass out reading it."

Kirishima nodded, then shook his head, "It wasn't boring, I got halfway through. I want to have a plant, but I don't know how to take care of them, so I want to read up on it." he said as they reached his bedroom door.

"You could ask the ents and nymphs, I'm sure they'd be just as helpful as a book." Bakugou suggested, lightly kicking the door open and walking in, setting the redhead on his bed.

Kirishima put his hand on the bed to steady himself as Bakugou placed him on top of it, "You're right, I'll do that too. Thank you," he smiled before rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Want any dinner?" Bakugou asked, taking a step back, "And don't bother trying to talk to them tonight, they're shit to try to talk to after dark."

Kirishima nodded at the advice, "I don't think so," he said, rubbing the back of his neck and looking to the side, "I'll just get sick if I eat," he said the excuse again and playing with his fingers when he folded his hands in his lap.
Bakugou huffed, crossing his arms, "When was the last time you actually had a real meal, lizard?"

Kirishima met his gaze again, "I ate breakfast, I'll be fine," he huffed and scooted back on the bed, flicking at the pages of his book.

"And what did you eat?" Bakugou pressed with a raised brow, not believing him.

"I ate what Momo gave me... I'm not sure what it was." Kirishima hummed absently, opening to a random page of the book that he'd already read, refusing to make eye contact again.

"And if I asked tits for brains and she told me you hadn't eaten anything since yesterday?"
Kirishima bit his lip and stayed quiet. He crossed one leg over the other and kept his head down, looking at the book and having nothing to say.

Bakugou sighed, "Whatever, starve yourself for all I care," he muttered, turning sharply and stalking out.

Kirishima sighed softly into the now silent room when Bakugou left, chewing on his bottom lip. It's wasn't like he wanted to starve himself, food just scared him and he didn't know if he could get himself to eat again without getting sick.

Momo came by an hour later again to replace his pitcher of water and was surprised to find him still awake, "Oh, hello Prince Kirishima. I... I wasn't expecting... I'm sorry, I'll come back later," she murmured, bowing her head in respect.

"No!" Kirishima said, standing to stop her, then paused, rubbing his arm as he blushed in embarrassment, "Uhm... I have a question." he mumbled, feeling a little stupid for his outburst.
She nodded, straightening, "Of course, what can I do for you?" she asked, happy to help.

"How... can I start eating again?" he asked slowly, shuffling his feet. He felt like a child, asking something so foolish.

She nodded, gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze, then went to get him dinner, coming back with a bowl of broth and a small heel of bread on a tray. She set the food in his lap with a kind smile, "Chef asked if there was a child we were keeping prisoner he wasn't informed about." she joked.
Kirishima laughed slightly and took the bowl in his hands, slowly starting to sip at the broth before setting it down. He felt... okay, "Thank you, Momo," he hummed and looked to her, "Bakugou had asked me what I had eaten and I lied and told him breakfast..." he sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, "I feel dumb if I say that I'm afraid to eat."

She sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed his shoulder, "It's okay," she assured, "you'll get there, it's just going to take some time."
He nodded and gave her a small side hug, "Thank you, Momo. You should go get some rest," he said with a soft smile.

She smiled back, standing, "I'll collect your dishes in the morning, then. Would you like me to get you for breakfast or drop something off instead?"

Kirishima set the small tray on the side table, "Just come and get me, please. I'll try and eat, even if it's just a small bit." he said, face determined, and stood to walk her to the door.

She nodded, "You might benefit from snacks throughout the day rather than meals for now," she mused thoughtfully, "if you need anything in the night, remember the bell pull." she reminded at the door.

Kirishima nodded, "I will. Thank you. Go get some rest." he laughed slightly, closing the door once she was gone and moved to change into night clothes.

The princess turned maid finished her tasks for the night a little while later and turned in as well, mind still buzzing with concern over their newest resident.


(Thanks so much for reading Chapter Five! We hope you are enjoying it and please feel free to leave a comment and if you did like it we appreciate the votes! Thank you all so much!)

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