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Perrie's Pov

After all these years, I wouldn't think that Jonnie would be where I'm standing right now. I thought he hated me. I stood up from behind the Bush I was hiding behind and his head snapped towards my direction, smiling at me a little. I hesitantly walked up and then I stopped, afraid at what was going to happen.

"Um, hi Perrie. Long time no see, huh?"

I didn't say anything but examined him closely.

"I know you may be mad and mostly because of what happened years ago but I miss my first sister. I've been thinking about what happened for so long and I figured out that it wasn't your fault for killing our parents. You were a werewolf who was still figuring out how to control yourself and you just weren't able to when you found out what you did by mom and dad. I don't hate you Perrie, I love you. You're my sister and I'll always love my little sis."

My eyes watered and my head lowered, hoping Jonnie wouldn't see me cry. After I finally broke down, I felt a pair of arms around me and I sobbed into his shoulder. He hugged me tightly and kissed my head while I gripped his shirt. After a couple of minutes of us standing there, me crying and appreciating his comforting arms around me, we sat and talked about how life has been since we've last seen each other and what we have done. Our laughing died down after he told me something funny and I looked at the grass.

"Does...uh, Caitlin still hate me?"

Jonnie put his arm around me and pulled my head to place it on his shoulder.

"I don't think she hates you. She's still young and is still understanding what's going on and what happened. She'll walk up to you and tell you how much she loves you soon, I know she will and I know she does. Don't worry about it" he answered.

I nodded.

"So sis, any love life?" He asked, nudging my side with his elbow.

I laughed and blushed after a while, thinking about the familiar brunette.

"I think this one girl...-"


"You hate me now, don't you? After finding out I like girls-"

"No, no, no! I'm 100% ok with it. Just tell me about her."

"Ok. I think she's my mate; you know, the love thing for werewolves. But yeah, she's gorgeous. Big, beautiful brown eyes, perfect shaped lips that you can't resist kissing, a wonderful smile that lights up the whole world, a great body and the cutest laugh ever" I groaned "I can go on and on about this girl!"

"Aww, my little pizza is growing up" he cooed.

"Ugh, I hate it when you call me that."

"So does she know your a werewolf?"

I nodded, "She's cool with it. She treats me like a puppy and I like how we cuddle up sometimes when I'm in my animal form."

I looked at Jonnie as he was smiling at me.


"You're in love."

I blushed, "Wh-what!? Woah! Don't you think it's kinda too early for that!? I-I mean, I met her not too long ago and there's still some things I don't know about her that I'd like to know. It may be just something tiny..."

"That'll grow and grow and grow."

I punched his arm lightly and he took a look at his phone, cursing in response.

"I gotta go. Caitlin is probably wondering where I am."

"That's fine, I'll just hang out here until I go home."

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