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[well, this might not be a short story after all..]


Namjoon sat in the corner of his living room with knees to his chest as he watched the dark haired entity hover about.

He'd been there for almost an hour now.

The girl had been calling out to him in panic, but he'd refrained from answering back, whereas to not anger the monster further.

After nearly 20 minutes her frantic yells had quieted.

Namjoon wasn't sure if she'd just gone back home or went for help.

It didn't matter to him. He was beyond help at this point anyway.

The creature continued to pace about the living room, touching Namjoon's things and picking up his collectibles to observe them curiously.

Namjoon peered towards his phone. The screen was lit up.

He bit into his bottom lip wanting so badly to go for it, but angering this thing again was the last thing on his mind. He sat stiffly in his corner, knees perched to his chest, eyeing the floating figure.

It didn't do anything..

Just continued to wander about. In his perimeter.

Namjoon's phone had vibrated a few more times, lighting up his phone screen. The creature stopped in it's tracks, peering towards it, as the frightened captive did the same.

Swallowing the thick saliva that had built in his throat from anxiety, he took courage to finally say something.

"C... Can I please.. have it?" He asked smoothly. From now on, he'd definitely have to choose his words carefully if he wanted to continue living. He feared this thing would only put up with his defiance for so long.

The figure stretched a hand out in the direction the phone lay. After a few seconds the device slowly began to float towards the silhouette, until, finally settling into the creature's palm. It's sharp eyes landed directly upon Namjoon.

"... This thing?" It said.

Namjoon's eyes widened. Even though he'd heard it speak before, each time was just as shocking to him. The voice just seemed.. like something not of this world.

He swallowed again, forcing his head into a nod.

A small smirk graced the creature's pale face, sending a shiver up Namjoon's spine at the sight of it.

This thing was sinfully handsome, which was frightening, in the least.

"Stay away from that person." The creature ignored, tossing the cracked phone onto the couch.

Namjoon watched it hit the cushion dreadfully.

'But... what about the phone..?' His thoughts echoed. He thought better of retorting that.

".... She's.. just my neighbor. Just worried, is all. I don't get-"

"I said, stay away, Namjoon."

Namjoon pressed his lips together, nodding quickly.

The creature looked away from him. It seemed to be lost in thought at the way it just stared off into.. nothing. The scared man watched it's features in awe.

It looked fairly normal when it was calm, but Namjoon had to always remember that it wasn't human. He couldn't be deceived.

"I won't let us be separated.. again." It said finally.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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