Tis the Season

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*beep beep*

Izuku midoriya's phone buzzed around in his pocket.

He slid his gloved hand down and opened the call notification to see Ochako Uruaka was calling him. Izuku held the dimly lit screen to the side of his head, gently moving the ear muff to the side as the cold stung his ear, so he could hear her response.

"Hello?" he said, placing his other hand on his thigh,
His eyes wandered to the cloudy blue sky above him, watching the small white flakes drift down toward the ground.

"Hey Izuku!" her cheery voice rang "You're on your way here right?" she asked pulling him out of the trance the snowflakes had on his sight.

Letting out a cloud of frost breath Izuku responded "Yeah.. of course, Ochako, you said the café is two blocks from the Sengen Shrine, Right?" Izuku stood up from the bench he was sitting on and rubbed his legs to warm them from the cold.

"Yeah!! me and Tsu are here, we grabbed a table near the front to watch the snow fall!" her cheery voice made Izuku's chest warm, It has been Nearly three years since he had last seen her or Tsu, granted he does still call and text Ochaco, so its not like he's completely out of the loop.

"Alright!" Deku said, looking around at the various directional signs around him, snow landing into his fluffy green hair, as his eyes darted around the street signs.

"ill be there in 15 minutes!" he said still searching for the sign to the Shrine. "AHA!" the excitement of seeing his friends after so long finally caught up to him. he ran through the cold wind, quickly pulling the scarf up over his nearly frost-bitten nose, and hung up the phone.

Fifteen minutes later, and with a lot of snowfall too, Deku opens the door to the café. The fireplace was lit and the business bustling, he walked up to the service counter and ordered his favorite winter drink. "One spiced cider please," he said, the worker giving him an enthusiastic look as she placed the order into the cash register.

Izuku gave the Attendant his card, moving his scarf down and giving her his name and an enthusiastic smile back. She giggles and hands him back his card and thanks him for ordering.

While waiting for his drink Izuku scanned the cozy restaurant's patrons for a certain pink and green duo. He spotted ochako's smile across the room as she was talking to her friend across the table. they both had matching white scarves on, along with fuzzy yarn woven hats on their heads. He could tell that they'd gotten closer since high school.

Izuku's name was called from behind him, he whipped his body towards the pickup counter and thanked the barista, he then started to walk over to Tsu and Ochako.

Ochaco seeing the green-haired man first, bolted up from her booth and ran right into his chest, wrapping her warm arms around izuku in a hug he hadn't gotten in years.

He pushed his arm away to not spill the cider, Izuku could feel her arms squeezing around his body, his arm still away from his body.

"I missed you so much!!" she exclaimed, Izuku returning her warm embrace as he did three years ago.

" I did too, its been way too long!" Izuku felt her grip unlatch and he backed away to see her. Her brown hair was longer and wavier, right about to her collarbones. Her Light Brown wool jacket draped down to her mid-thigh with a white scarf loosely wrapped around the brunette's neck.

"You look amazing Uruaka!!" Izuku said, the brunette looked at him.
"Thank you Izuku!!" she said "Tsu helped me pick it out.. Isn't she the sweetest!!" Ochako turned to meet the gaze of Tsu.

"We may be pros now, but it doesn't mean we can't dress well either. Ribbit" Tsu's face turned a light shade of pink and turned back around to the booth.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2022 ⏰

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