Chapter 1- Beginning of Duties

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The sun had not yet risen but it was still morning nonetheless. To be exact, five'o clock am. the room was quiet and all was still until the rooster outside began to crow. A groan was heard on the bed of the room. How she hated that noise. Another crow was heard again. This time she had risen out of bed. She could not stay for long after all. As a servant of a respectable household she had to carry her duties out. She went to her dresser to find a change of clothes and dressed into her maid uniform. She was tying the straps of her apron when the cock crowed again. This time louder than ever and there were two of them!

She had enough of the noise and went near her window to open it wide. Down below her, there was a little farm that was housing many sleeping animals except of course the chickens and roosters. An old man was standing just outside his door looking very grouchy and he was still in his night gown. 

"Awakened by the bell it would seem good sir?" the young maid said to the old man. He looked up to where he was called. 

"Ah Aine! Awake and running things already I see." he replied smiling.

"Not really by choice..." Aine said propping her elbow on the rail of the window and placing her chin on her palm.

"You seem quite awakened too."

"Yes, but only because these roosters of mine will stop yapping." Said said the old man as he turned to face the roosters that were crowing.

The roosters began to make noise even more that the animals in their pens were beginning to rise. They were so loud that old Geppeto, the farmer was really getting annoyed.

"Alright, alright! I'm already up." he stated. "These little feather heads are making me sick with their growing noise." he mumbled to himself as he went to begin his work. Aine laughed whole heartedly.

"Well don't work too hard. You strain yourself. I shall see you soon, old friend." she said waving goodbye.

Yes, this young woman was named Aine. She was a servant girl working for a very important family. Her hair was a light blonde color and her eyes were sky blue. Her skin was fine and fair for even that of a common maid yet she was like any other servant. Working hard and always on the run. Today is an important time, she thought to herself as she went to brush her hair and tie it into a bun. She placed on her boots, and decided to head out. As a servant of the house of the Fenmenors, she had to do her duty.

Aine walked through the halls of the Fenmenor Estate. Even though she had been here for only almost two months, the halls still felt large that you feel  you could get lost. Luckily, for our young woman, she was not so shaken by this and had gotten used to it as if she had walked here before. Aine went down to it as if she had walked here before. Aine went down a few steps and walked through many passes that had open gardens beside them for the Fenmenors were known for them. 

Ah yes, the Fenmenor family. An elven family who ruled a part of the elven realm. Their mansion was silver and blue. Their halls were large yet homecoming and warm. Mostly you would find many enchanting gardens that can help soothe and relax your self. Their sigil was a white lily with intertwining vines that represents peace and serenity.

"Almost near the area." she says to herself.

She takes one left turn and one right and finally reached the room she wanted to be in. She stood in front of a white door with intricate designs. She took a deep breath before knocking.

My Lord Rael, it is time to awaken." she called out to the person behind the door.

A groan was heard and the sound of bed sheets and books being shuffled around.

"Who is it?"

"It is Aine, my lord. Your servant. You must rise, young prince. Your father would wish to see you at his study." Aine says as the person behind began to walk forward to the door. An elf appeared before her wearing his night robes looking very sleepy. He had silver hair and brown eyes. he rubbed his face with his hand before looking upon her. He was Lord Rael, son of Lord Eldaron.

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