" What else do you expect me to do when my homie just turned into a hot chick?!"

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From the background image and the title of this chapter.

Yeahhhh I don't have to spell out anything as to what this chapter will be about, huh?

I hope you enjoy!

Third Person PoV

It was 5 in the morning, on a Saturday. Still during winter break. All of the students would still be asleep at this time, and our main protagonist was no different. 

However, his eyes reluctantly open. He was taken away from a wonderful dream and back into the real world, his eyes focus on the alarm which read exactly 5 am. He wonders why in the world would he wake up at this time but he quickly realized the reason.

His throat felt absolutely parched. He needed water. Now.

But he pouts to himself at the thought of having to make the effort in getting up from the sweet comfy morning bed. Nobody would wanna get up from the bed. Each second of thinking is giving him every reason to stay in bed and go back to sleep while dehydrating himself further, but who cares about the latter right? Tons of people sleep dehydrated!

Despite that wonderful logic he definitely agreed on, he had a hard time doing just that. He tossed and turned in his bed completely bothered by the dryness of his throat. He was on the verge of a mental breakdown caused by his own stubbornness in such a trivial matter.

".......Mnh..." He groans softly before lightly punching his bed in defeat.

He reluctantly gets up with heavy sleepy eyes. He yawns to himself as he made his journey towards the fridge. His hand clumsily grips the fridge door handle, opening it and grabbing the pitcher of cold water. After closing the fridge, he seeks out for a glass from the cabinets and once he had that he began pouring in the water.

He drinks it clumsily, not minding the obvious loose droplets of water sliding down his mouth. He places the glass in the kitchen sink before returning the pitcher back in the fridge.

He feels some wetness from his chest. It didn't feel too wet, so he raised his hand to his chest and began rubbing it in an attempt to slightly dry away the wetness....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2022 ⏰

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