Chapter 37 : Little cute things and Love adrenaline...

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Nam Ni Ma...

My body was shivering but my heart was warm...

I was walking behind him under the pouring rain...

Our path was unusually slow...

I kept looking down at his feet... as if hey where showing me the way not to get lost...

I followed him like a lost puppy till he suddenly stopped ...

I also stopped then immediately raised my head...

The rain was still pouring and no one was around us...

He looked at me for a little moment...

I didn't like his look...

The look of a kid that feels sorry after doing a huge mess...

He walked to me and removed his wet sweater ...

"It's wet but at least it will protect you a little from the rain..." he said then threw it over my head...

Without any word I accepted it... And before I realized he was already far from me...

I speeded up to catch him....but he disappeared from my sight...

I stopped and looked around a bit ...and couldn't found anyone...

The sound of the thunder frightening me...

My heart was beating fast out of fear but also out of ... what should I said... love adrenaline?

I just started running as fast as I could to join JYP center back...

"Ni Ma-Ya!!! Where the Hell where you??? Are you okay?"

I didn't even put one foot in the building that JYP was everywhere over me...

I felt embarrassed and surprised by his actions ..

"If you knew you were going outside you should have taken an umbrella at least!!! " He started scolding me like his own child.

For some reason, I bowed and said I was sorry more than ten times...

Why was he acting like that after dismissing me..

My mind suddenly went back to JR...

"Your grand-mother is going to kill me if you get sick ...!"

"Huh?...sorry ... JYP sunbaenim...what did you just say ?" ... My head was confused ...did he just refer to Halmony right now ...

"I am saying you should have work harder...! It seems to me you really don't want to get into you even really want to be a pro dancer???" He explained disappointed..

"I would sell my soul if I had too!!!" I said and bowed down...

"Hahahahaha .... stop saying nonsense and get yourself changed..." he said laughing then quickly stopped ...

He gave me a pat on the shoulder..

"I am sorry I can't to anything this time... rules are rules... but I'll be seeing you soon... I am pretty sure... Since I am your father ..."

Beep.... Beep....Beep.... ( sound of air humidifier )

I took my breath back and opened my eyes all of a sudden...

I was lying down........

On my bed .....


I immediately sat on my bed ... but my head felt dizzy... And my Sight became blurry...

I fell back and closed my eye again ...

Noona , let me say i love you "누나 사랑한다고..."(GOT7 Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now