Spending time together

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Keade POV:

"oh hey Kokichi"I said almost walking in my dorm

"hi Keade"Kokichi said before yawning 

"so do you want anything Kokichi"I said looking at Kokichi tilting my head

"yeah I wanted to uh know if you wanted to hang out"Kokichi said looking down blushing a little bit

"ofc we can hang out right now if you want"I said smiling

"yeah that would be fine"Kokichi said looking up 

"alright do you want to hang in my dorm"I said grabbing Kokichi's hand

"your dorm would be fine"Kokichi said stepping beside me 

"okay then Kokichi"I said walking in my dorm with Kokichi right next to me

I was kinda suprised by Kokichi acting so kind to me. I didn't know why. But it felt nice seeing be nice  to someone

6 hours later

"hahaha"I laughed smiling

"nishishishi~ you look cute when you laughing kayaday"Kokichi said in some type of flity tone

I just froze. After a while I started to feel my face heat up really quickly.

"you good Keade you face is all red"Kokichi said smiling I notice he was blushing quite a bit

"I'm fine"I whisper covering my face

"what was that I  could hear you Kayaday"Kokichi said tilting his head

"I said I'm fine Kokichi"I said blushing like crazy

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