Edmond police department Edmond, Oklahoma 1:15pm, Gibson and Angel walked out of interrogation room five, heading for the coffee room where a cake sat on the table.
"Happy birthday brother," Angel told him.
"Well thanks guys, but we do have work to do," Gibson replied cutting into the cake.
"Always the workaholic, never ready to have any fun," Samantha laughed.
Gibson eased back into a chair and started eating his piece of cake.
"I have fun," Gibson said.
"Since when?", Harrison scoffed.
"I take a vacation once a year," Gibson replied between bites.
Shana walked into the room and poured herself a cup of coffee.
Gibson shoved her a piece of cake and welcomed her to take a seat.
"No thanks, I just got back from seeing Jake," she responded.
"How is he?", Gibson asked.
"They said that he should be ready to come back to us in three days," she replied.
Before Gibson could reply, one of Tasha's people walked in with Boyd.
Tasha looked up at the two young men.
"What do you two have, Mager you start," she said.
"Gillian Sholley isn't the typical rich working girl with tons of money and property," Mager began.
"She's an investor in thirty different fortune five hundred companies, and owns a huge amounts of stock in them," Mager continued showing them copies of the stock reports.
"So rather than blowing it on property, she's invests, so does half the world," Harrison put in between bites.
Boyd sat down turning on the viewer.
"Barton and were able to trace three of these companies back to Max, which means that they're shell companies for money laundering," Boyd told them.
"So they put money into to phony stocks, but it's actually going into their offshore accounts clean as a whistle, pretty ingenious," Tasha said taking a bite.
"I helped take down a dealer that actually used two banks to launder his money, and neither bank had any idea," Gibson replied.
"How'd they do that?", Angel returned.
"Technology pipeline from either bank to numbered accounts in the Caymans," Gibson replied.
Angel stood up and looked at the screen again.
"Is there a way to block or filter the money out of the accounts?", Angel asked.
Mager shook his head;"not without it being traced back to us," he responded.
Boyd looked at him with a sly grin;"I might be able to help with it not being able to be traced," Boyd replied.
Boyd and Mager continued to work on the new project.
Gillian Sholley estate Coffee Creek road Edmond, Oklahoma 1:35pm, Max and Grider walked into the office and looked at Gillian as she paced the floor.
"What's wrong sis, your investment plummet?", Max joshed.
"Someone has hacked my accounts and money is being drained as we speak," she responded.
Max leaned back in his chair;"they're never gonna figure out my methods," He returned lighting a cigar.
"Just you wait, they're gonna figure you out," she responded lighting a cigarette.
Gillian walked out into backyard and leaned on the fence.
Max walked out and rubbed her back lovingly;"I had my tech's block anymore money from coming out, and convert it into Crypto, should be going into a couple of secured accounts we set up for you," he told her handing her the account codes.
Gillian hugged her brother and thanked him.
Edmond police department Edmond, Oklahoma 2:15pm, Barton glared at Boyd and Mager for a second.
"They traced us and are reinforcing the accounts," Barton told them.
"Interesting how fast they worked, it only took them seconds," Leslie said.
"We can get this thing resolved," Leslie told them easing towards the computer.
Leslie clacked on the keys, trying to track how Max was laundering his money.
She went through several different trace programs and couldn't figure out how Max was doing it.
"Mager shook his head for a moment;"you might going at this from the wrong angle," he told her hitting the F5 key.
After he hit the key, two different Crypto currency programs popped up.
"This is brilliant, he convert's the money into Crypto and then it gets cleaned and put into numbered accounts in Geneva," Leslie said.
"Kinda reminds you of The Callaway Case doesn't it?", Mager replied.
In November of 2005, Alexa Callaway was arrested for wire fraud, when it found that she was taking money sent to her in Liverpool and converting it into Crypto and putting in Cayman island accounts.
Leslie looked at him for a second.
"I helped track her, it took months to track her down," she remembered.
"These two programs are new to me, I haven't seen anything like them," Mager said.
They continued to decrypt the programs.
Gibson glared at Tasha as she continued to try create a profile on both Sholley's.
She and the rest of her team had been working for hours.
"You up for lunch, I'm buying," Gibson told her.
"Let me take a quick shower, and it's a date," she responded.
Tasha grabbed her bag and headed into the locker room and stripped down to take a shower.
She stepped into the shower stall and let the warm water fall on her for a moment while she washed her hair and body.
She rinsed off and grabbed a towel she stepped out and dried off.
A few minutes later, she came out, dressed and ready to go.
They headed out to a diner over on Broadway.
They ordered drinks and food and started going over everything.
Tasha looked at him for a moment;"I noticed that Angel called you bro, are you two actually related, or just family in arm's?", Tasha asked between bites.
"Yes we're brother and sister, I am the oldest," Gibson replied.
"That's cool," Tasha replied taking a drink.
A fight across the street caught their attention, and they raced over to help.
Two officers were already on the ground as they wrested the men to the ground and cuffed them.
The officers got up and thanked them for the help.
They walked back over to the diner and finished up.
Edmond police department Edmond, Oklahoma 2:55pm, they were met by Angel as they walked in.
"What do you have?", Gibson asked.
"Jungle drums, it seems the two fighters you helped bring down are from rival cartels, and they were trying to kill each other," she responded.
"Sounds about right, anything else?", Tasha asked.
"Just a war brewing," Angel replied.
They continued going over everything.
Max Sholley estate outside of Kicking Bird Golf course Edmond, Oklahoma 3:05pm, Max and Gillian walked into his office and sat down.
"You think they've got the location of our next pickup?", Gillian questioned.
"Yeah, we're going to be having to switch meeting places if we don't want them to find out," Max replied.
"Where to, they're crawling everywhere," Gillian replied lighting a cigarette.
"I have the perfect place, and they won't catch on," Max replied popping it onto the viewer.
"This field is perfect, nobody ever visits," Max replied.
Grider walked into the room and sat down.
"That's just perfect, noone would ever think to look there," Grider replied lighting a cigarette.
"That's what we are banking on, did you catch our snitch?", Max asked.
"Been looking, but haven't had any luck," Grider replied letting out a drag.
"We're not going anywhere around this place until they're caught and dealt with," Gillian replied.
Guillermo walked into the room and walked up to a window.
"How're things going on the old theater?", Max asked lighting a cigar.
"Clockwork, should be ready to start production within the next day," Guillermo replied.
"Good, let's make sure the authorities don't catch on huh," Gillian put in.
"Working on it," Guillermo replied.
Edmond police department Edmond, Oklahoma 3:15pm, Gordon walked into Gibson's office and sat down.
"What's up?", Gibson asserted easing up in his chair.
"Grider hasn't checked in in two days, I am getting worried," Gordon replied.
"Don't worry, he can take care of himself," Gibson assured him.
"Assuming that he hasn't been made yet," Gordon replied.
"Well the last time he called in, he said nothing about that," Gibson replied.
Gordon glanced down at the map on Gibson's desk.
"That's Gillian's estate, we planning a raid?", Gordon asked.
Angel walked in and sat down.
"Figured if we take one estate down, they're gonna be forced to move her in with Max," Angel replied.
"That might work, unless she goes underground again," Gordon replied.
"Don't think she'll do that as long as Max is around to cover her," Gibson said.
They went in and started preparing to raid Gillian's estate.
Little time spent Guardian Investigative Service volume 2
Детектив / ТриллерAfter the team arrests a Catholic Priest, the case leads them on a chase to take down an Irish drug cartel, and puts them up against Stokes once again.