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The sun dipped below the trees which set a dark cloth over the sky shading every object a darker tint. With covered windows, the room became nearly pitched black, as if a flashlight had been turned off in a deep underground cavern. The pale zombie's face bent down under the bed. A small glint of light reflected from the dark, deep, black iris and pupil. Cole and I were so frightened for our lives, we clung to each other so tightly, we could feel our hearts pounding on our adjacent rib cages. 

The ghostly face stood up. We let out a slow sigh as quietly as we could. We assumed weer were safe. 

The bed rapidly flew up off the ground. The zombie  vaulted up on us standing over our helplessly lying bodies. I tried not to think about it but the upcoming sight in my mind was inevitable. The thought envisioned before my eyes. our torn flesh under the scaly feet. Skin in the jagged teeth held firmly in place by a powerful jaw. A piercing noise rang in my head. I didn't know what the sound was at the time, but it brought me back from my lost thoughts. My eyes refocused, only to see the sight of the thing falling on the floor over my legs. Blood poured out of the body and pooled in a red puddle, dripping from my skin. I didn't move. I was too awestruck. I stood up and pulled Cole out from under the creature's feet.

I looked up and saw a faint silhouette across the dark room. Lucas opened the curtains and let the moonlight dimly light the shadows. Kavin was standing across the room with my shotgun. Cole was still trembling but he still said thanks to Kavin. 

"Well, what do we do now," I asked. "Do we continue our plan?"

"Yeah," Kavin said heavily. "The attic right?" 

"I'll find the access point." 

"Alright, we need to focus now. We can't let this, scare.. hinder.. our senses. If we don't focus we will die. We're all fine, right? So let's just get back to the base."

Lucas left and found the ladder to the attic and we all climbed up. We found some flashlights, more bullets, and a few other supplies before leaving. We broke through an old metal power vent to reach the roof. broken shingles scattered across the roof moderately. broken power lines strung across the poles ending on the side of the transformer wound in big circles of thick wires. A small, shabby business next to the house was close enough to jump to but someone fell they wouldn't be saved in time.We were a bit worried that Cole wouldn't make the lead so we created a makeshift bridge to the other roof. Jumping would have been dangerous anyway in the dark. Kavin got a broken board from the wood fence on the side of the house's small yard he found in the garage. He jumped across and Lucas pushed the board to Kavin. It just barely reached. Kavin and Lucas held the wood in place as Cole and I carefully walked across. Once me and young Cole got safely across Lucas and Kavin dropped the fence slat and Lucas leapt across the gap. Luckily He made it and didn't fall.

Cold night air nipped at my nose and a thin cool breeze pulled a few hairs down over my face. A full moon and millions of stars shone in the deep blue, twilight sky. One or two zombies watched as we hopped across the tops of buildings, and scaled a short wall or two. An apprehensive feeling suddenly came over me, though the night was still very calm. Almost as if something were to happen. Soon. I tried to put these thoughts out of my head, but they wouldn't leave. By now, we were on foot within the boundary of our base. We were almost home, just within a block or two.  This is where we had blocked out zombies from entering. Barricades created with piled cars and school busses. We'll be there soon, I thought, soon. Even in this safe zone, this safe area where I had walked around so many times before, I still had the same bad feeling deep in my stomach. 

Soon I would know my senses were telling me something about the horrible things to come; where it all fell apart. Soon I would know I was right. Soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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