He turned and looked at me eyeing me up and down "I'm Eteled..?" He responded "Shock him" solar said pointing to him I shook my head but solar looked at me with hatred in his eyes "okay okay fine!" I said and ran up to him and tackled him to the floor knocking him out "bring him with us" solar said walking into the hallway I dragged Eteled and put a blindfold on his face "Solar why did you want me to do this?" Malic asked solar before cranking the electric chair I heard eteled scream from it "Why do you guys need to shock him?" I asked and solar looked at me "Come with me and you'll see" he said pulling down his mask and smirking "Okay?" I said and he led me to the mom channel "Sunny isn't here to stop the violence and she stole our show" solar said pulling his hologram up and a sword was in his hand "You told me what to do and what to say!" He said laughing and looking at the ceiling then looked at me "Awh little mii doesn't have a weapon" he said "Close your eyes it will be even and ill tell you when to open them" I said and he closed his eyes I pulled my hologram up "This should do" I said and different miis started spawning in and I got a crossbow "Open them now" I said and he immediately attacked me but I shot his leg making him stumble back giving me enough time to get up and get better range "Solar you're losing your grip on reality" I said and he managed to get close enough to cut some skin on my arms I heard the Wii turn on shit "Kyle I know you hate him but still we have to make sure he's okay!" Sam said "Sam listen closely get Austin,Henry Anyone who has been in contact with the Wii and tell them to delete me" I said and solar dropped his sword and picked me up by my shirt "You want to be deleted?" He asked and I nodded and he threw me into the delete button.
I woke up my body in extreme pain but warm I noticed wires coming from my arms and legs connected to life support I ripped them off stumbling slightly and approached the Electric chair to find eteled still sitting in it I took his blindfold off "You!" He hissed at me I looked at him and unhooked the restraints "You might wanna run before they come back" I said and eteled looked at me "You remind me of Alice" he said I noticed checked my appearance by using the hologram's mirror I was in my original form "Come with me ill get you out of here" I said holding my hand out "Sunny we just got you back and you're leaving again?" Malic asked his form glitching out into a regular puppet base "This isn't reality is it?" I said pulling my hand back from eteled and a grin crossed his face "Took you long enough Alice Coleman" (Coleman is a common name in this AU Alice ain't related to Sam)
A 15 year old who had on solar system clothes on came out of the wii unconscious "Kyle turn the Wii on I'll make sure he is stable" I said and he nodded as I took him to my room putting some food by the bed and a note telling him he isn't in the wii and to explain what happened.
(Like 2 hours later)
I was munching on some chips and salsa when he came out "Uh where am I..?" He asked I finished munching on my one chip "In my dorm room." I said "Sam we're gonna be late take the kid if you have to." Kyle said and picked the kid up and we ran to class getting there a little late "You're not allowed to bring a child with you to campus Kyle." The teacher said face palming I spotted Samuel in the crowd did he switch courses? "Uh I'm at least 23 years old dude.." the kid said and the teacher nodded "Okay just go find a damn seat I ain't dealing with this today." He said I sat in an empty seat since three were free next to Samuel "What's that kid's name?" Samuel asked us we both shrugged "You already know it moron.." the kid said I tapped the kid and whispered to him "Is your name Oliver?" And he nodded but a plushie was materialized out of thin air it was based on a cow but it was red green and purple instead of normal cow colors and Oliver hugged it as our lesson began I guess he must've fallen asleep because we had to shake him to tell him that we get a break now "So you're telling me you died about three to four years ago?" I heard Kyle ask Oliver "Yeah by that stupid moron he caused our own inventions to go against us.." Oliver replied "How did you sneak that kid onto campus?" Samuel asked me "I didn't he appeared in my dorm today so we couldn't leave him there without anything to do so we took him here." I replied and Samuel nodded
(Btw a new pov is underlined and that's Oliver's pov)
I hadn't realized before that Samuel didn't remember as much of what had happened in the attack but I remember it vividly along do the others but I feel like he wasn't him I know it sounds crazy but think about he caused the attack but he doesn't remember anything about it he should've remembered it along with feeling guilty of his crimes..but I've lost track of how many years it's been the last time I remember seeing him before I became whatever I am was at the dock and some type of necklace was on there but now he wears it all the time he even has some star clips we made him as his birthday gift..I was snapped out of my thought by Kyle asking me how I died so I simply told him how and he was stunned not surprisingly..
Puppet's Work
Non-FictionSam goes to college and encounters five restless souls she knows two but who are the other three and will she uncover their stories bringing them to peace or will they be restless still?