Chapter 1 - Joy's diagnosis

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Joy was in the nurses office, again, it was the 3rd time that week. And all 3 times she threw up, when her mom, Nat, got there to pick her up. She told the office that Joy was probably going to be out for a while, until they could figure out what was going on. The school was understaidng, and the assisstant led Nat to the nurses office. When Nat got there Joy was throwing up, Nat held her hair back, and the nurse gave Nat bags, incase Joy got sick in the car. At the compound Nat took Joy straight to the lab, where her dad, Bruce, and their friend, Tony were waiting. Nat filled Bruce in on what had happened, and he was concerned she was dehydrated. Tony hooked her up to an IV, and then he ran some tests on her to figure out what was going on. A few hours later, the tests were comeplete, and the waiting game began. Joy asked if she could leave the lab, and Tony spoke to Bruce, who said yes. She left the lab, and went to the bedroom, and curled into a ball on the bed. Nat came upstairs, and saw her curled up on the bed. "Oh honey," she rubbed her back, "mamma I don't like being sick." Nat, and Joy sat talking for a while, then Nat left the room, and Joy fell asleep. When Joy woke up, her dad was in the room. When he saw her awake, he told her the results of the tests. "Wait," Joy said, "What's that mean," Bruce answered, "well Chiari Malformation is where you can't grow on your own." Joy was confused, Bruce continued, "They have growth hormones in the form of needles that you have to take every day before bed." Joy heard needles, and started crying, Bruce sat next to her, rocking her until she was calm. When she was, Bruce, and Joy went down to the lab to get the growth hormones. "Daddy," Joy asked, Bruce looked at her, "yes sweetheart," "why was I getting sick alot?" Bruce responded, "Because your brain was growing faster than your body, and it was pushing against your skull, causing you to have headaches, and get sick." When they reached the lab, Nat, and Tony were already there. The adults talked, and agreed to do her first dosage right away as it was already past her bedtime. Bruce told Joy to lay down on the bed, she did, and Nat held one hand, and Bruce the other, as Tony administered the growth hormone. The next morning, Joy woke up, and went into Bruce, and Nat's room. "What's up sweetheart," Bruce asked, "I don't want to go to school today." Nat looked at Bruce, "we decided to take you out due to your condition," "oh good," Joy said Nat, and Bruce looked at her confused as she continued, "I was getting bullied." Nat, and Bruce were silent, "honey why didn't you tell us," Bruce asked. "Because I felt bad....I mean your the ones paying for it." Nat spoke, "Honey we'd much rather you tell us than hide it, we don't want to pay for it if your unhappy." Joy started crying, Nat, and Bruce both hugged her. Later that morning Joy decided she wasn't going to take the hormones anymore. "I'M NOT TAKING THOSE NEEDLES ANYMORE," she yelled, Bruce got firm, "Yes you are Joy Raine." Joy got testy, "Make me," Bruce looked at her shocked, "JOY RAINE BANNER-ROMANOFF," it was Nat's voice. She walked Joy straight to her room, and left her in the room for 15 minutes.

Joy Raine Banner-Romanoff (Bruce Banner, and Natasha Romanoff's daughter)Where stories live. Discover now