Chapter 13

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[Time - 2:56 P.M.]

[Date - July 4th, 23XX)

(Location - Central City, Washington International Hub)


Tails had been diligently focused on flying as Amy quietly relaxed in the backseat. As estimated, it certainly didn't take as long flying to Central City as it would have by taking a train or taxi there. Peering over the side of the aircraft, Amy beheld the sight of the gigantic megalopolis. Gone were the fields of nature or humble villages, totally replaced by the hundreds of skyscrapers holding such an immense population, the location alone was considered to be a city-state. Unlike Station Square, which is a fairly normal city in the United Federation, one under the control of the UF but governed by its own politicians and police force; Central City on the other hand, was solely regulated by the Guardian Units of Nations. Aside from endless rows of high-rise buildings, as the capital of the country, there were also several monuments in addition to the White House, the official residence of the President of the United Federation. One of the most well-known public roads constantly congested with traffic was the superwide Battle Highway, which wound its way straight through the metropolitan area. Where Tails and Amy were headed, however, was the Washington International Hub, an incredibly busy airport that was a major layover destination.

Tuning his headset to pick up the same frequency as his radio, Tails spoke into the microphone to alert approach control of his arrival. "WIX Approach, this is Miles Prower in The Tornado 761, in-bound ten miles (16km) from the north at 238 miles per hour (383kph), leveling 3000 feet (914m)... Do you copy?"

In a matter of seconds, approach control responded to his request. {Roger that, Tornado 761. Southbound, ten miles to WIX, 238 miles per hour, 3000 feet.} For the pilot's confirmation, a female voice repeated the information told to her. {You have special permission; tune to 288.4 UHF for contact with Washington Tower Six.}

"Copy that." Tails replied as he switched the aviation radio from standard very high frequency, to ultra high frequency commonly reserved for military and state officials. After tuning to the correct frequency, he spoke into the headset again. "Washington Tower Six, this is Miles Prower in The Tornado 761, on my two mile (3km) final for Three-Two Left, requesting permission to land."

Surprisingly, same as before with Approach Control, there was a near instantaneous reply from Air Traffic Control as well. This time it was a man speaking. [This is Washington Tower Six, we read you, Tornado 761. Miles, you have special permission authorized by G.U.N. for premium access. Your clearance is granted and you're set for landing on runway Three-Two Left. Have a good afternoon.]

Upon terminating the communications with Air Traffic Control, Tails did a small fist pump over his luck. "Special clearance?" He spoke to himself. "Sweeeet!"

"Hey..." Amy said rather quietly into the microphone before piping up. "I just realized something. Miles Prower and miles per hour! What's up with that?!"

"Oh God!" Tails said as if he were shocked, but then laughed. "You seriously just noticed that?! You're joking, right!?"

As the yellow kitsune began his approach to the authorized runway of the busy international airport, Amy made a silly face. "You're the one that has to be joking! There's no way your real name is Miles Prower!"

Shrugging, Tails chuckled more. "You're right, it's actually Miles 'Tails' Prower. You can't forget my middle name..." Thinking on the matter, he snorted. "Actually, I guess officially it would be Miles 'Tails' Prower the Fox.

"Ughh!" Amy made another face, playfully wrinkling her nose. "No way! That's too long!"

"So?!" Tails jested. "Your name is Amy Rose the Hedgehog!"

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