2- Hello America

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I was dead asleep in my room until my alarm decided to go off. 'Bro give me five more minutes please' i say to myself as i shut the alarm off. I turn around and decided to get a few more mintues extra sleep because i was way to lazy to wake. As i try to fall asleep i kept hearing my grandma shouting my name. "Meli, Meli Meli". My entire family has always called me Meli or Miki for short. I groan as i try to hide under my blanket. My grandma then storms into my room with a spatula in her hand.

-Wake up Melisa, there is breakfast waiting out in the kitchen for you.

-Ugh what time is it?

-4:30. She says like it's not early.

I stare at her in disbelife while shes unfazed. "Hurry up" She tells me as she walks out of my room. I decided to check my phone for any notifications. Oh theres non. Maybe because its 4:30. I sigh and get out of bed and walk out to the kitchen. I sit down at the table and see that my grandma has mad palacinke. Palacinke is basically like pankakes. Just thinner and way better. I take a few for myself as i then put on my toppings and start eating.

- You have to hurry up because we need to leave soon. Your grandpa is driving you. She says

I nod as she walks off. I finish eating my breakfast and put my plate in the sink. And my toppings in the fridge. I walk into my room. I change into a pair of dark blue leggings and a black long sleeve top. I then go brush my hair and my teeth, putting all my essentials in my bag afterwards. As i was checking off to make sure i had everything i needed in my suitcase my grandpa comes into my room.

-Are you ready? We have to leave.

-Yeah just give me five minutes. I answer

-Ill be by the car. He says as he walks out of my room.


"Bye" i say giving my grandpa a quick hug before rushing into the airport. I run inside trying to look around for my team as i then spot Sasha. Its kinda hard not spotting Sasha because of her bright red hair. I walked over to where they all were.

-Privet, melisa, my vse gotovy k rabote? Eteri says grabbing her luggage

We all give her a slight nod. We all stand in line to turn in our luggage. Me and Sasha obviously up front since we raced eachother.Me and Sasha sat down waiting for the others. We started talking about different nail inspo on pinterest. Sasha definitely has taste.

We finally board the plane and im seated next to Sasha and Daria. Since the flight to America does take quite long I decide to plug in my AirPods and listen to some music. It's also still quite early and I'm not a morning person.

I woke up from someone poking my arm. It was Daria. "Pochemu ty tak smeshno spish?" (Why do you sleep so funny). I just stared at her trying to keep a straight face. But I couldn't even take myself serious. Then Sasha catches my attention asking what we would like to eat and drink. I took a coco cola and the simple airplane food. The airplane food was actually quite decent for being airplane food.

Me and Daria just sat talking during half the flight and playing uno. We also couldn't help but laugh whenever Sasha was talking in her sleep. It was quite funny.

After leaving the plane and grabbing our bags we got a taxi to our hotel. Las Vegas was beautiful. Coming from a family that used to struggle with money, I never got to experience travelling. So I tried capturing it all. It felt unreal.

Once we got to the hotel we were all exhausted. I sat on one of the couches with my head on Sasha's shoulder. Sasha was actually one of the girls at Sambo 70 that I got along with quite well. Even tho she was a few years older than me. I saw her as a big sister. But also a role model because of the insane accomplishments she's done.

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