!! Chapter One !!

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Kyle POV:

I found myself being startled awake. I wasn't exactly sure what caused it, but whatever, I'm awake now. My first feeling was that of confusion. Where the hell was I?

Taking a look around, I quickly figured out that I was in some kind of hospital room. That's when it dawned on me, the car accident I had the "other day."

I also noticed that there were a few IVs hooked up to my arm. The weird thing was that the IV drips were completely empty and the other machines were off. The whole room had a rather creepy vibe to it.

The first thing I did was try to call out for my sister, as I thought that maybe she could've been behind all of this creepy stuff, as a prank. 

"M... Maxis?" I managed to croak out from a dry throat.

There was no response. So I moved on and tried to call the nurse with the button, but obviously nothing happened with that either, because there was no power.

"What the fuck is going on?" I muttered to myself.

I had to get up and investigate what was happening, I just had to. I grabbed onto the edge of the hospital bed and pulled myself out of it. My legs immediately wobbled and my whole body ached, which made me wonder just how long I had actually been in that bed.

As I stood up, my legs continued to wobble for a bit. After taking a few moments to regain my composure, I made my way to the door, until I felt something trying to hold me back. It was the IVs still in my arm, I'm not too sure how I forgot about those, but I did.

Anyway, I pulled the IVs out of my arm and chucked them aside afterwards. Then, I made my way to the door, opening it. I poked my head out and saw no one.


Having called out and gotten no response, I walked out into the hallway and headed to that floor's nurse station/desk. As soon as I got there, I saw that there was no one. Something definitely wasn't right.

Giving up on the nurse's station, I began to wander the rest of the floor, in hopes that maybe I could find anyone.


I must've walked/shuffled through the whole floor twice and didn't see a single nurse or even a patient. At this point, I decided to head down to a different floor.

Being the idiot that I am, I tried to take the elevator, which of course didn't work. So, it was to the steps, where I would head next.


After making it all the way to the first floor, I somewhat kicked my feet against the floor in a little fit of frustration. I checked all of the floors that I could and didn't find anyone.

Now arriving at the main waiting/reception area of the hospital, I took a seat and sighed, as I didn't know what to do next. Taking a moment to rub my face in frustration, I glanced out of the front doors and saw someone walking outside. Well, it really wasn't walking, it was more like shuffling.

Anyway, I got up and was going to get their attention, as they either might be in the same predicament as me or they might be able to tell me just what the hell's going on. 

Upon stepping foot outside, I called out, "Excuse me..."

The person kept shuffling along, with their back to me. So, I called out again, just a little bit louder. They still didn't respond.

I managed to raise my voice and called out again, "Hey, dumb fuck! I'm talking to you!"

That caused the person to stop. As I continued to catch up with them, they let out some kind of garbled noise, almost like a groan and then they started to turn around. However, when they had turned halfway around, there was a loud bang that rang out. That person's head exploded and they were falling to the ground.

I was horrified! I had just witnessed a murder right before my eyes! After that person's body fell, I could see someone else. They were standing not too far away, with their gun raised.

The person getting their head blown off must've been too much for me to handle, as I began to feel lightheaded and also felt my legs shaking with my vision starting to black out.

"S... St... Stay away..." I managed to mutter out, trying to back away while warning the murderer.

The last thing I saw was the person yelling something and then running towards me as I felt my legs give out.


A/N: Well damn!! Kyle had awoken and is now unconscious, again... Poor guy and he just witnessed a murder, too! Or so he thinks... Anyway, we'll see what happens to our funky guy in the next chapter! Peace out!

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