~Siblings first no matter what~

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Long ago in La Push, Washington...

"Look out coming through!" a young boy said with a young girl on his back squealing.

"Sammy! Faster!" the girl squealed as the two siblings came to a stop at an elementary school.

The young boy carefully slid the young girl off his back and said, "Here we are Forks Elementary school...Hey, what's wrong Ri-Ri?"

"Don't go I don't wanna go to Kindergarten without you..." Riley sniffled.

Sam chuckles and kneels in front of her, "Hey I'm just gonna be right down the hall I'm not gonna be far...you're ready for this Ri... show them what you're made of show them our Uley pride!"


"You ready? Ri?" Sam said as he wiped his sister's tears away.



A year later...

"...Yeah see ya later Jared!" Sam said as he walked in and saw his mother crying.

"Mother...what's wrong?"

His mother looked up and said, "Oh Sam...my sweet Sam come here."

"Mom you're scaring me...wait where's Riley?" Sam stated.

His mother cried harder, "That's just it Sammy...you're father left us...and took her with him..."

Sam's eyes widened and shook his head, "No you're lying! Riley would never leave me! Father would never do that!"

"Sam it's true..." his mother whimpers as she sees him staring at the empty side that was Riley's since they shared a room.


Present day...

"So explain to me again why I have to visit my cousin in Forks who by the way isn't my cousin?" Riley Swanson hissed as she slammed her suitcase onto the carousel.

"Actually you'll be staying in La Push with a good friend of your uncle Charlie...and frankly we do not know what else to do with you with your behavior and all if this does not work out you'll be in juvie or worse dead," her 'mother' said.

"Well ever thought of telling me where I am from or who my real parents are might solve the issue instead of shipping me off to the middle of nowhere?" Riley hisses.

Her father then states, "Sweetie you know we would if we could *last boarding call for Forks* that's your flight baby girl...say hi to Charlie and Bella for us will ya?"

"You mean the depressed and the entitled Bella? That's gonna be a hard pass from me...Bye!" Riley hissed as she disappeared from their eyesight.

"You think we're doing the right thing not telling her that she has a whole family down there and we kept her from them because we couldn't conceive children and that we had to lie to the officers and to her when her family came looking for her originally maybe she's right Shawn?" his wife states.

Shawn states, "We're doing the right thing darling if we observe her in her hometown maybe we will be able to understand why she's acting out this way...and besides it's only a matter of time until 'they' find us." 

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