What Happened before the Cowwow

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Tori's POV:
After André and I got done work, we went back to my house to get ready for the cowwow. "Are you sure I can change here, I can always go back home and change and then pick you up after?" Andre said. He smiled at me, he is so cute when he smiles at me like that, wait what am I thinking, he's my best friend I can't be thinking like that about him. "Yeah, you can change here, we won't make it in time to sing our song if you go back home to change." I said.

André's POV:
As soon as Tori and I finished getting dressed for the Cowwow we sat and talked for a few minutes. All I could think about though is how beautiful she looked.

Jade's POV:
Well this is the first school dance or whatever you want to call it that Beck and I are going to since we got back together and I am glad we got back together. Even if he  did try to kiss Tori when we were broken up, Tori did stop him and I know she said it was because she couldn't do that to me but I think there is another reason why she couldn't kiss him, I think she might be in love with André. I know André is in love with her, I mean just look at the way he looks at her, he couldn't be any more obvious and yet Vega seems to be oblivious, oh well maybe someday those two will get together.

Beck's POV:
Well I am glad Jade and I are going to the cowwow together. I wonder how Andre is doing with Tori, he told me he was going to tell her how he feels about her, I hope he does.

Cat's POV:
I can't believe Robbie is going to the cowwow with Gabriella, I know I said I didn't want to go with him but that's only because I am afraid to ruin our friendship, I don't know what to do. I hope Tori and Andre are having an easier time admitting their feelings to each other I mean they both obviously like each other as more than just friends even if they don't want to admit it.

Robbie's POV:
I hope cat isn't too upset with me, I mean she didn't want to go with me in the first place, so why do I feel so bad. Hopefully Tori doesn't run away when Andre tells her how he feels about her.

No one's POV:
Little did Jade, Beck, Cat, and Robbie know what would happen with Tori and Andre. Even Tori and Andre didn't know it would happen but it did. What am I talking about? Well let's get back to the story and you will see.

Tori's POV:
After Andre and I talked for a little bit and that's when I realized how close he was sitting to me, I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks. I hope he doesn't notice that I am blushing, all of a sudden he starts to lean in and so do I then it happened. I was kissing my best friend but I didn't care, he was a great kisser and even though I wanted to keep kissing him, we had to stop if we wanted to get to the cowwow on time to sing our song.

Andre's POV:
Oh my god, it's actually happening I am kissing Tori and she's kissing me back. Then she pulled away but I don't think she wanted to stop, "Andre, we have to stop if we want to get to the cowwow on time." She told me. I almost forgot Tori and I were supposed to sing a song that we wrote together. I chuckled and then she pecked me on the lips and said "but maybe we can continue where we left off later." I laughed and said "ok muchacha, let's go." I smiled at her as she laughed at my little nickname I called her when she first started going to Hollywood Arts. We finally left and made it to the cowwow on time and we sang our song.

Author's note: I just wanted to say this just in case anyone reads my story and gets mad at me, I know this didn't happen in the show, that's why it's a fanfiction sort of a what if kind of story that I wrote. Not meant to be taken seriously.

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