Chapter 16

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They pulled into the gas station and Kellan pulled a ballcap low over his eyes and fished around in the glovebox before pulling out a flashlight. He handed it to Eva. "Anybody tries to mess with you, whack 'em over the head with this."

Eva grinned and tossed the flashlight from one hand to another before saluting him. "Aye, aye Captain."

Kellan shook his head at her wryly and stepped out of the truck wincing a bit before tucking his gun in the back of his pants. "Be back soon."

Eva nodded and he slammed the truck door before going inside. The clerk behind the gas station counter looked half asleep and didn't even look up at Kellan as he rang up his items. Kellan glanced up at the TV speculatively a moment. The announcer's voice was suddenly loud in the silence.

"A nationwide APB has been put out regarding a one Kellan Slade. This man is armed and extremely dangerous. He is believed to have a hostage with him. Evangeline Wilde is her name. Her brother Michael has agreed to speak with us in hopes that she or her kidnapper will see this. Tune in to the five am news to see his interview. Kelly, back to you."

Kellan pocketed his change hurriedly and exited the gas station. Eva squealed excitedly when she saw the Cheetos he had nabbed. "These are my favorite!"

Kellan handed them to her and cranked the truck. "Hey what's wrong," Eva dug into her Cheetos happily.

"They've put a nationwide APB out on me and are saying you are my hostage," Kellan turned back onto the interstate, his posture tense.

Eva paused. "That's ridiculous," she sputtered, "How do you know this?"

Kellan shrugged. "It's not ridiculous. And it was on the TV in the gas station. I'm lucky the clerk was half-dead and didn't recognize me."

Eva bit her lip. "I'll just need to go in whenever we stop from now on. And we need to stop in small towns and try to stay away from the general public."

Kellan shook his head. "Baby," he said gently, "This means you don't have to come with me. If they think you're a hostage, your life isn't in danger anymore. If anything, you're a whole lot safer away from me."

"Like hell you're going to just dump me somewhere!" Eva exploded.

"Dammit woman, I didn't say that," Kellan growled, "I wouldn't just dump you anywhere. I'd get you somewhere safe and your folks could come get you."

"Not happening," Eva snapped, "If anything you're safer if they think you have a hostage. I can be your shield."

"You've got to be out of your mind if you think in any universe I would use you as a shield," Kellan yelled, slamming on the breaks and whipping the truck over to the side of the road.

Eva's neck snapped forward and Cheetos went flying everywhere at the abrupt stop. Kellan turned his whole body to face her, the anger evident in his gaze. His voice was deceptively calm as he said, "You will not ever say that again. You are not a shield. I would never put you in that position."

Eva met his gaze head-on and defiant, squaring her shoulders. "You're not leaving me," her voice was also calm despite the storm inside, "Regardless of whether it's safer or not. I've been sky-diving. That was not exactly safe either. But WE are seeing this through."

"This is not even remotely close to sky-diving and how the hell you think that is a valid comparison is insane!" Kellan threw his hands in the air.

Eva folded her arms across her chest and glared at him. "We stick together," she stated, "No if ands or buts."

Kellan stared back at her helplessly before turning to stare out at the traffic flying past them, the wind from the moving vehicles slightly rocking the battered old truck. "I really like you, Eva. Like really like you. And I do not want to see you hurt because of me."

His voice was soft, his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. Eva felt tears mist her eyes. "Then promise me," she said equally as soft.

"Promise you what," his eyes snapped to hers.

"Promise me that you won't let me get hurt."

"I don't know if that's a promise I can keep, Eva."

"Promise me, Kellan."

Kellan stared at her, his gaze searching. For what, she wasn't sure. She could literally see the thoughts churning in his mind. "I promise." His voice was resigned and even a bit sad.

"Okay," Eva breathed, "Now let's find somewhere to sleep. I'm tired."

Kellan closed his eyes and leaned back against the seat a moment, his face going slack. He was bone tired. To be honest, he couldn't really remember the last time he had felt just weary all over. Eva brushed some stray Cheetos off the seat and slid over.

"Eva," it was as much a plea as it was a warning. He couldn't handle any more of her fighting him right now. He simply didn't have it in him to argue with her anymore. He was too tired.

"Come here," same time she spoke her hand slid up into his hair and she brought his face down to hers. He breathed her in for a second before one hand cupped her face and he rested his forehead against hers.

"I'm so tired."

"I know," she answered before kissing him softly.

Kellan sank into her a little bit more every time she gave him that gentle understanding. Why hadn't he kissed her sooner? It had been too long since the last one. He broke the kiss first, one arm sliding around her to hold her close. "What are you doing to me woman," he muttered in her hair.

Eva laughed quietly, "Right back at you."

Kellan slowly shook his head before glancing in the rearview mirror and turning the truck back onto the road. Eva rested her head on his shoulder, entwining her fingers with his.


We back, babyyyyy!!!!! Welcome back all my happy little fans. This installment of A Heart's Desire is brought to you by caffeine and sleep deprivation but it's here in all its glory. I have missed you guys so much. It is so fun to talk to you guys and read your comments. I know many of you have given up on me ever finishing this book and I do apologize.  I accidentally started like five more books and have been working on them obsessively.

You guys inspire me though to finish it.

Vote and comment please!!!


Scarlett McLeod

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2022 ⏰

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