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[Name] sat on his bed, waiting for a certain person to come back

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[Name] sat on his bed, waiting for a certain person to come back.

It has been quite a while.

He took a glance at his phone, checking his notifications. No texts from Ryuhei. Was this how Ryuhei felt when [Name] left the second affiliate without any explanation?

But [Name] was not like Ryuhei.

Ryuhei didn't do anything, since he didn't know where [Name] was located when [Name] left.

And now, [Name] is going to find Ryuhei. He didn't care whether the latter told [Name] to stay out of the fight. He didn't care that he didn't know where Ryuhei was. He could just walk all over Gangseo or something to find Ryuhei.

He immediately stood up to get dressed, leaving the house while buttoning up his shirt at the same time.

He's not going to lose someone else who he had gotten attached to again. He had to fight. After all, that was the reason why [Name] started training again. A soft sigh left his lips as he wrapped bandages around his knuckles.

I'm coming, Ryuhei.

I'm coming, Ryuhei

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A cat was loitering around, looking for food to eat

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A cat was loitering around, looking for food to eat. It had not eaten for the past few days, it was so hungry that it thought it was going to die on the spot.

It walked along the sidewalk beside the streets of Gangnam, taking glances at different places, planning to find a trash can or such.

However, Korea has very few trash cans compared to other countries, showing that it was rather difficult to find one.

The hungry animal came across a house, which confused it very much. There weren't many houses in this area.

It tried climbing up the wall from the outside to see if there was any food inside the house, and noticing a flower pot inside the house, right next to the window.

The small flower pot contained a single honeysuckle, from none other than Kuroda Ryuhei.

Honeysuckles, representing devoted love. no matter what comes between the two, whether one of them dies, whether a fight breaks out, or even whether both pass away, the love between the two does not die, ever.

 no matter what comes between the two, whether one of them dies, whether a fight breaks out, or even whether both pass away, the love between the two does not die, ever

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(kuroda ryuhei)

(kuroda ryuhei)

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note: you may take a look at my other books if you'd like

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note: you may take a look at my other books if you'd like.

COMPLETED ON 20/11/22.


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