Epilogue 2

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A small fire pit sat in the middle of the home warming up the family in it as they wrote wishes down on a piece of paper and threw it into the fire.It was an old fashioned wish burning ceremony.After everyone who threw their wishes were done,Klaus was going to begin speaking until his two daughters who were standing next to him stopped him"Wait.Hope and I have something special for you"

Klaus looked at his blonde and red haired daughters in confusion,as did the rest of the Beckett and Mikaelson Family

Elizabeth walked over to her mother's twin brother,grabbing his hand and leading him over to where she and Hope were previously standing.He didn't know what they were doing but played along nonetheless as they connecting hands with him and each other

The two girls nodded to each other knowingly before closing their eyes and chanting a spell that only Freya and Kol knew.The aunt And uncle softly smiled

Freya had met Anastasia once or twice while being with Dahlia.The girl didn't know she was talking to her brother's fiancé

Everyone watched as if Mateo had become a shadow version of a clone stepping out his body.The shadow then grew into a more feminine figure,girl version of Mateo.Everyone watched as Anastasia appeared in the middle of the triangle,skin slightly faded while wearing a short white flowery dress

Once the triangle had broken up and everyone could see her clearly,It became really emotional.Why wouldn't it?

Not noticing Klaus yet,Anastasia quickly embraced her blood shared family including Rebekah and Elijah They each held her tight as if they didn't want to let go

"Since Uncle M and Ana are twins.They share the same blood,a lot more then they do with anybody else.We figured we could do a little spell to take back Dad's longest regret"Hope begun nodding to her sister to finish the rest talking to Klaus"and my mom's reason for waiting on the other side.You"

Only Elijah,Rebekah and Mateo knew of the promise the two made.To Marry

"You waited"Klaus asked in a tender voice causing Anastasia to turn to him"I waited"and with that,They ran into each other's arms with beaming smiles

The two sisters smiled at each other remembering their plan before waving their hands and chanting a spell.Within an instance,The short flowery dress on Anastasia had turned into a long wedding gown and the simple brown shirt and black jeans Klaus had been wearing transformed to a suit

"I guess we're getting married"Anastasia tried to contain her happiness,She wasn't alone as Klaus almost burst into tears"We are"

It wasn't the regular wedding.It wasn't the wedding they wanted,and that was okay.This was enough.This was everything they wanted

"And with that I pronounce you husband and Wife"Mateo was gleaming brightly as he married his sister and new brother in law.However,Before he could tell Klaus to kiss the bride,Klaus picked Anastasia up by the waist twirling her around causing her to giggle before setting her and kissing her

"I waited five hundred years for you,and I'd wait five hundred more just to have you here with me"He whispered into her ear softly

Anastasia,Diana,Elizabeth,Mateo,Nathaniel and Beatrice walked behind Elijah,Rebekah and Klaus as they walked to a bench.The three Mikaelson Siblings stopped to talk and so did the Beckett's

"That was the shortest wedding I've ever been to"Nathaniel admitted breaking the silence

"It's the only wedding you've ever been to"Beatrice smiled at her brother

The six sat in more silence for a millisecond until Anastasia spoke up"I love you all.I am so glad I get to say goodbye"

  "I wish we had more time"Elizabeth looked down.Diana agreeing"We all do"

"Don't spend the rest of your lives wishing.Most of the time,It backfires"Anna revealed

"Is that your last quote?They should put that on a show or something"Mateo jokes,The rest of his family laughing with them"The show would be called something unoriginal like "The originals" Nathaniel added

"Or The Vampire diaries" considering how much the vampires we've met keep journals"Anastasia smiled as they kept adding on the the joke

"I'd want to be in the sequel of that"Diana said"Maybe we already are.We're the legacies of The most powerful family alive.You,Hope and I could be the main characters and call the show "Legacies"Elizabeth concluded

"I would love that show"Beatrice commented"Who wouldn't"Anastasia said

They watched Rebekah begin to walk away leaving Klaus and Elijah on the bench"I think it's time"Anastasia told her family

"We're gonna miss you"Elizabeth smiled sadly,tears on the brink of falling down as she embraced her mother for the last time"I'll always be with you.Even if you don't know it"

Anastasia pulled away and grabbed Elizabeth's hands,Giving them a reassuring squeeze and the rest a reassuring smile before they parted ways

As Anastasia walked over to the two men,She saw them turn to her with two stakes In hand"Are you ready,My love?"

"Ready when you two are"

Klaus And Elijah then turned to Each other and held the stakes up to each other's hearts. Anastasia let them put their hands on her shoulders for balence

"It's been a glorious ride,Niklaus,Anastasia" Elijah spoke also on the brink of tears"and my greatest honor"

Luckily,The spell Hope and Elizabeth did to bring Anastasia back,Stopped whenever she wanted it too

"See you on the other side" were the last words of Anastasia before she begun to fade away as Klaus and Elijah's ashes were flying off from the breeze

Always and Forever indeed

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