Welcome to my life

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This story is written entirely in James point of view:
"Crash"! I woke up In a panick. A beer bottle had been slammed onto my wall. "Wake up you piece of shit"! my mom shouted. I reluctantly got out of bed so she would shut up. This is the same ol shit I wake up to. It's not like I have anyone better in my life though! My dad's in jail for attempted murder, and that doesn't exactly make anyone wanna be your friend. To the big point, I have no one in life. I went to the kitchen to make breakfast. As I was cracking an egg into a pan, my mom spoke up." Your piece of shit of a father called, they may actually give that man parol. Can you believe it! Parol"! I hate how she speaks about dad. He almost killed someone, I know,but he's still the only person that actually likes me somewhat as a human. Hey, a fourteen year old needs his dad! As I ate breakfast, mom read the paper while chugging a bottle of beer. The school bus screeched in front of my house. Great. The fvcking bus! That's one of the worst highlights of my day."Are you
gonna get to the bus or what"? My mom huffed. "Ya, love you too mom" I lied. She's a pain in my ass, can I tell you that? I went out to the school bus where I was greeted by Craig, the biggest ass at our school. " Sup drunk boy" Craig sneered. "Can it, will ya"! screamed the bus driver. I know she didn't say that for my sakes, but so that Craig would sit down. I left school that day with a bruised eye and an F in biology after I cussed out one of the girls in the back who wouldn't shut her trap about how hot Drake looked today. Ya, a kid that looks like a smaller version of John Travolta is so hot,right? I'll never get girls. I've never even seen porn! We don't have technology, mostly cause someone wastes that on booze! I went up to my room so I could clean up the smashed beer bottle As I was finished cleaning up, mom came up to the room. The look on her face told you something was bad." Your father may be released early, as in one week early". I was actually kinda happy, and excited to hear that news, but the news didn't get any better." I've decided we're moving. We're getting as far away from here as possible. My moms nice enough to let us stay with her". This wasn't fair! I didn't want to live with grandma, I wanted to stay here so I could be with dad. "Mom, grandma lives 569 miles from here! I want to stay here with dad. That's final."Mom didn't seem to happy with my answer." Did I ask you what the hell you wanted? No! We're going to live with mom, and THAT'S what's final here!" I knew not to argue. So I just started to pack.

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