the fight

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emu: pls stop fighting
tsukasa: no look you emberassed yourself in the stage
nene:im sorry
rui: tsukasa stop
tsukasa: look what nene did
rui: she has no confidence pls just forget this tsukasa
nene: no im sorry ill just leave
rui: no
*nene runs *
rui: nene wait
rui: think what did you did tsukasa
tsukasa: wait 
emu: tsukasa pls make up with nene pls
tsukasa: fine i will try
tsukasa: nene nene where are you
rui: nene pls calm down 
nene: no im sorry 
tsukasa: oh there you are nene im osrry about what happen
nene: oh i *nene stutter* i need to go
rui: wait nene
tsukasa: nene
emu: im sorry tsukasa i will go after with nene
tsukasa: oh ok

*next day*
tsukasa: hey everyone
*there is no one in the room. tsukasa search everywhere until she finds emu talking with rui and nene but someone is there*
tsukasa: emu hello who are you talking to
emu: oh wandahoi tsukasa its luke our new member
tsukasa: oh hi luke
luke: hi tsukasa *whispers to rui** rui i hate tsukasa he bulls me when i was a child and steals my money*
rui: * oh im sorry for that but we will have the voting in the people*
tsukasa: hey luke um nice to meet you
luke: oh hi 
emu: yey also we have to perform now 
luke: oh ok

*after the perform*
rui: hello people so we have a new member bu only one will stay pls luke and tsukasa come down here
*tsukasa and luke come down *
rui: for the people pls pick one the star or the moon
*after the picking the result came and*
rui: coming for 345 votes tuskasa but will luke beat tsukasa.luke got 465 votes
tsukasa: oh um* tsukasa is about to cry but stay focus to not be emberassed to the people*
luke: hank you so much everyone
rui: thank you bye people
tsukasa: um guys i will go now i will go visit saki
rui: ok
*tsukasa run off and cry while running*
luke*whispers at rui* *rui thank god he leave 
rui: * i know right he is so annoying*
nene: let celebrate 
emu: ok should we call tsukasa
luke: he went to the hospital to see saki
emu: oh

     wondahoi gc

tsukasa: hey guys wanna go to the mall
rui: no sorry me emu and luke and nene will go to the movies
tsukasa: oh ok um i love you rui
rui: yeh what eve
tsukasa: bye

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2022 ⏰

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