Coming back.

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*Olivia's POV*

I'm on the Plane back to New York,Still Kind've nervous for take off but I'm excited to see Elliott, I haven't seen him in three years.

*the captain announces take off which interrupts my thoughts*

In two hours I'll be in new York and heading to the 1-6, I hope Elliott is still there, I've missed him so much. when I left I didn't think I would miss him as much as I do. but I cant try to pretend he doesn't exist any longer.

* two long hours go by*

Wow, New York looks exactly the same. It feels good to be back, it feels like home. I keep pushing the thought of Elliott out of my mind, but I cant not just think about him, he is my best friend. Oh my gosh there it is... I'm three steps away from the 1-6. I kinda don't wanna go in there. what if he hates me for leaving and not telling him? what if he doesn't want to see me? there's only one way to find out.

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