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Elliot's POV.

I was searching everywhere and so was the team. "Where's Amaro?" Cragen asked.

"I dunno I tried calling him it just went to voicemail" I said before leaving the squad room. I got in my car and started to drive. I went to press the breaks but it wouldn't stop. I completely blacked out.

When I woke up I'm in a dark room. I look around and see Olivia passed out, tied to another chair.


? - shhh.. You don't wanna wake your Livvie love now do you? *laughs*

E - you're fucking crazy!!!

? - yea that's what she said and look where it got her. *points to Liv*

I struggled in the chair trying to get free. He walked to Olivia and slapped her across the face. I still couldn't see who it was but Liv woke up and things get worse from there.

"Nick is that you?" Olivia asked and he hit her over the head once again. Then turned to face me. I didn't know what to do....

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