✅😔 - "I think I failed him." - 😔✅

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(Some background info: I headcanon Caramel Arrow to be Autistic, so that's why she has difficulty understanding social cues.
Welp, enjoy the story!)
"For the King!" Caramel Arrow exclaimed. She immediately, yet majestically, jumped to the back of the team, and began shooting her arrows at an astonishing speed. One by one, each arrow launched immediately bursted into flames, causing a dazzling light that could be seen throughout the entire area. Every arrow casted from her small, yet incredibly powerful, stylized gakgung bow hit the opponent without miss. Once the archer launched the last arrow that she had, she rapidly charged at the opponent, hitting it with all her strength. The opponent instantly detonated. A large wave of light emitted from the spot the creature was standing, then it vanished, signaling that the battle had concluded.
"We won guys! Woohoo!" Caramel exclaimed, rising her bow up to the sky. "Victory is ours!"
"Well done, First Watcher." Dark Cacao told the woman, gesturing for her to lower her weapon.
She looked at him, confused on what he meant.
"Lower your weapon, Caramel." Cacao ordered, forgetting that the archer had difficulty comprehending cues. "Ah." Caramel instantly lowered her bow, ashamed.
"What's wrong, Caramel?" Strawberry Cookie, the youngest Cookie on the team, asked the archer.
"I.." She took a deep breath before continuing. "I feel like I failed my King by not understanding his gesturing." She lowered her head. "Hey, it's okay!" Strawberry reassured Caramel, gently grabbing and holding her hand. "But it's okay! It wasn't my fault." Caramel said, her voice just above a whisper, although Strawberry heard what she said. "That's the spirit, Caramel!" She replied, hugging Caramel on the leg, due to Caramel being much taller then Strawberry. Caramel smiled at the child, patting her on the head.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2022 ⏰

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