Taylor's pov
Today's the last day in Georgia and Evie's sick well she's throwing up and said her stomach hurts it's been a week since we did it and we haven't took any pregnancy tests so who knows "So do you think you need some pregnancy tests?" "Yeah baby please go get me like 5." "Doctor Caniff on the way." "Thank you baby." "Anything for my little princess." I drove to Walmart and got a lot of pregnancy tests when I went to the cashier she looked at me weird. I raced back to the bathroom where Brent was holding her hair back "Here baby." I said handing her 4 pregnancy tests leaving the others in the bag. "Here goes nothing." She turned over the 4 tests she had taken only minutes before by now everyone that was in the house was crowded around us "I-IM PREGNANT!" She said
She turned towards me and I hugged her tightly "YAY NOW WE ARE GOING TO HAVE BABIES AT THE SAME TIME!" Ally said "Yeah and they are gonna be the best of friends just like us." She said hugging Lexie and Allison "Guess what today is Tay!" Evie said "Should I remember something?" I asked seriously confused her face went from very happy to sad "OMG BABE ITS OUR 6 month anniversary how could I forget?" Then she started smiling again "I knew you'd remember." she said hugging meNash's pov
"He needs to propose today." Allison whispered "Yeah we can talk to him later on." "Okay babe." "Guys I'm bored let's go to stone mountain!" Ally said "YAS!" Lexie and Evie screamed Taylor and Brent laughed we all got out of our pjs and hopped in the cars I pulled Taylor to the side before we left "Me and ally were talking and we think it's time for y'all to settle down." I said "Yeah I already have the ring I was gonna propose to her tonight at a restaurant but stone mountain makes it a lot better" He showed me the ring and I felt kinda weird because it was big and ally's was kinda small. So we all got in the car and left.
Taylor's pov
We put snowball in the back seat and I held Evie's hand she laid her seat back still holding on my hand Cold hearted started playing signalling Jack G was calling "Hey Jackie!" Evie said "I have great news!" She added "And what might that be?" He asked "I'm pregnant." She said excitedly they talked for a few more minutes and we began talking "Now Tay um I kinda want to name it Paul Raylen Caniff or Raylen Paul Caniff?" "Paul sounds like a grown man but Raylen sounds like a baby so we can name him Raylen Paul." I said "You know I love you right?" I said "You tell me each and every night." She said winking (Ya now what I'm referring to right) she kissed me then Snowball jumped in between us "We love you to buddy." She said and he licked her face we got out Ally Lexie and Evie ran to the food place while Nash and us went and found a place and it happened to be behind a really hot chick she turned around "Hey." she said winking I winked back and we started talking and Nash tried to stop me "NASH CANT YOU SEE IM TALKING TO THIS REALLY HOT GIRL?!" I screamed "TAYLOR!" I heard Nash Brent Lexie Ally and Evie say "I mean No she's not as hot as you." I said scratching my neck looking down at my vans "AND TO THINK I WANTED YOU TO HELP ME RAISE OUR CHILD!" Evie said laughing "You got her pregnant?!" The hot girl asked she walked up to Evie "Im sorry I really thought he was single." She said beginning to tear up "No it's ok trust me." She said hugging her she went back and sat down Evie grabbed the blankets followed by the rest of the people "Please babe don't do this!" I said "What leave you because you were flirting with another girl WHILE IM PREGNANT?!" "But I was gonna propose." I said tearing upEvie's pov
"But I was gonna propose." Taylor said tearing up "What?!" I asked happily but still pissed then he grabbed my hand and got down on one knee and got a little red box out of his jean pocket "Evie Boast I love you with all my heart and much more you are the soon to be mother of my child and I want to spend the rest of my life with you so please make me the luckiest man on earth and marry me?" He asked with hope in his eyes I wiped my tears "Yes a million times yes!" He picked me up and spun me around while kissing me while lots of people clapped and congratulated us "Finally!" Lexie said