Chapter 7: "Make me!"

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Today was the day your powers were going to be activated. Breakfast was boring. Nothing exiting happened and SHE wasn't there. Actually you felt relieved, this will save you the embarrassment, but still you were a little sad. You would never admit it but you missed her. You were already to attached to the dean. Very bad.
Your friends teased you about the last night the whole morning.

"She's probably sooo tired because of yesterday. Work you too hard you know." Hort said.

That brought up desires in you again. Her touch. Her skin on yours. Her tongue on you. Hear her come and moan your name. You wanted her so bad.

Finally the time has come when everyone assembled in the big greeting hall in the school for good. You searched for a place to sit down and waited for the two deans to show up. It was chaotic in here, everybody was exited, so there were many noises of students talking.

"SHUT UP!" Lady Lesso shouted in to the hall. Everyone immediately went silent and all eyes were on her. "To access one's magic, one must first unlock one's finger glow" Professor Dovey started. "Once you've mastered your finger glow, it will prove to be invaluable. Shall we?" Lesso said and both deans pulled out a needle. Dovey calms down her students by saying that they will feel no pain. "Nevers" Lady Lesso laughs wickedly "It's going to hurt."

She then called out to form two queue's. One in front of Professor Dovey and one in front of her.

It was your turn, when the doors open and the reader sophie walked in. Dramatically. All eyes went on her and she started to catwalk to the front. She thought she was the moment. You had to stop yourself from laughing out loud. This was ridiculous.

As she reached the front, Sophie took your place and stood in front of you. She requested Lady Lesso to active her powers. Is she serious right now? Who does she think she is?
Your gaze met with Lesso's, hoping she would see your disbelief and say something. You clenched your jaw ready to fit that bitch. As you wanted to speak up Lady Lesso interrupted your plan.

"Of course i'm gonna activate your powers. When it's your turn. The queue is right there, I hope you can see it." she gestured to the end of the queue. Sophies facial expression changed in seconds. She looked at her in
shock. "Are you serious. I mean i'm the reader and I think this girl here has nothing against it. Have you?" she asked you.

But before you could say something Lesso answered. "Of course I am serious, reader. Now go out of my way and don't interrupt me again."
Sophie turned around embarrassed. All eyes laid on her again. But this time everyone was laughing at her.

Finally the redhead pricks the needle in your finger. Because of the short pain a moan slips through your lips. The sound makes Lesso's eyes widen. You locked your gaze with the icy beauty in front of you and images appeared on your mind. An unknown ached formed itself in your tummy. The color of the glow changed to green, which you didn't even realize because you were to busy watching the dean.

"Lady Lesso what does this color mean?"
Dovey interrupted your eye contact. Now Lesso's eyes fell on your finger and she gasped. "I don't know Clarissa. I've never seen this"
"Which emotions are you feeling right now, Never?" the dean for good asked you. It was sexual desire but you couldn't just say that, she would probably fell to the ground. Everything here was embarrassing right now. You just wanted to leave so bad before you'll do something dumb. The desire to kiss Lady Lesso got bigger and bigger the longer you stood there. "Don't know" you answered and just walked away to your friends who were already waiting for you.

"God, what the hell was this (y/n)?!" Hester immediately asked as you reached them. "You like eye fucked or something? The tension was dangerous. I felt it up to here."
"Let's just get out of here please. I need some fresh air." The four of you walked out of the hall, Dot wasn't around. She was with some other group and you all didn't know why.

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