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I sat crisscrossed on the floor behind the table that held the grand meal organized just for my sake. I had cried so much that by the time I came back to my senses, I was so embarrassed of myself. It was a miracle it didn't turn them off , I almost ruined everything.

Right now we were about to eat after the crazy fooling we did. They had explained to me that because it was an impromptu decision of mine to come , the girls had to rush over to start the preparation. They said it was like a ritual they did if anyone of them found their soulmates.

Usually the girls were in charge of the cooking whiles the others did the decorations. What made my heart flutter was the fact that it was my own soulmate who put up my name and the welcome that was up there.

I laughed , clutching onto my tummy as Jin smacked Jimin's hand off the gimbap that Haneul had just placed there.

"Look Noona, he's abusing me " I laughed and took his hand, blowing air on it . Jimin and Taehyung were two big babies I will always miss. Though they pestered me a lot , I kinda loved it . No one has given me such attention in my whole life, such positive attention. I had come to love those two and how they always found a way to get a rise out of my soulmate.

Yoongi snatched his hand from me , smacking it against the edge of the table. Jimin let out a childish cry as I heard Haneul groan, rubbing the spot on her hand. It seemed the special soulmate ability of theirs was the ability to feel each other's physical pain. Yoongi muttered a low sorry to Haneul ,glaring at Jimin who was now apologizing to her.

"What ? I told you to stop bothering her if you still love your life Chim".

She told him with a huff and turned ,entering the kitchen as he followed her like a lost puppy. I looked at Yoongi with a reprimanding expression but I couldn't hold my smile nonetheless.
"What ? They are being too clingy. I don't like it when you give them so much attention "

Yoongi grumbled ,sipping his water.
"Other than you ?" I bit back a laugh , he sighed and turned away,ignoring me. I began to laugh , some of them that were snooping at our conversation like Namjoon also beginning to laugh.

"Here... Now let's dig in"

Jin said , clapping at the last bowl of food was brought. Jina slapped his shoulder to stop him. "What ?" He groaned and Jina gave him a glare in reply.

"Hyung, it seems you've forgotten but the guest of honour has to taste the meal before everyone else does ". Jin's lips zeroed in remembrance. He gestured at me.
"Please have your first bite hwangu -mama"

I laughed ,a bit surprised as they all started at me. "Uhm.... Alright " Yoongi picked up the chopsticks, handing it to me. I watched as he took his , placing some fish on my rice. I didn't miss the looks everyone shared at his endearing action.

I looked at him but he pursed his lips , urging me to eat.


"This is good,the egg rolls I mean "

I said to Jina who smiled. "Right ? I knew you'd like it "
She said happily. "I've eaten a lot of meals and egg rolls before but this is the best so far "

"Oh , no worries. Jina is a chef "
My mouth formed an o at Hana's words.
"Wow ,that's awesome. Which restaurant?"


I Feel Your Pain!(Min.Yoongi )Soulmate Au Where stories live. Discover now