- Epilogue: 20 year's later -

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- Ace's Pov -

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- Ace's Pov -

It's been 20 years since Carlisle killed Rosalie and let's just say Emmett did indeed find his second chance mate that was infront of him this whole time. She was a sweet human girl from Fork's called Angela who like her name says is a complete angel and worships the ground Emmett walks on. Emmett is completely whipped when she is around, they compliment each other so much and she is literally the best person for Emmett. Then there is Edward who did find his mate and who it was shocked the whole family even me and dad became his mate is none other then the wolf shape-shifter Jacob Black. Their relationship was rocky at the beginning due to their past but they worked it all out and are now happily together traveling around the world. It's crazy to think that both Emmett and Edward's mates were right infront of them all along but they were to occupied by two she devil's to realise it.

I snap out my thoughts when Austin slaps his hand on my shoulder and i snap back to the present which is the sextuplets 20th birthday. We are in volterra celebrating it with the volturi and i'm going to ask my beautiful mate a very important question. I just have to wait for her to walk into the throne room for everything to fall into place with the help of my cub's beside me. The cub's don't mind me asking this question on their birthday infact they practically begged me to do it today so they can enjoy this day with their parents. I'm so proud of how my cub's have grown up to be kind, polite and caring adults who couldn't make more more proud then i already am.

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