Almost Kidnapped

13 1 1

Ages cause:
Tommy: 11
Wilbur + Technoblade: 14
Phil: old

Phil was taking his sons to see their relatives for christmas, it was a 4 hour drive so they stopped at the services half way since Tommy wouldnt stop complaining about how starving he was.

As pure punishment for 2 hours of total torture Phil left Tommy to wait in the queue with Wilbur and Techno keeping an eye while also looking at the toy machines. Tommy couldn't make up his mind between KFC and McDonalds and switched lines almost 5 times.

Techno had noticed a guy stood behind Tommy, switching lines whenever he did. He pulled Tommy to the side and suggested they just buy stuff from the small shop instead, easily enticed by the idea of chocolate Tommy ran inside.

The guy followed.

Wilbur waited outside and noticed the guy peering over the shelves to find Tommy before walking over to the other two, Phil soon noticed also and decided to leave and just use the next services. Tommy chose the time to argue as Phil led them back to the car before telling Tommy why they really left.

"There was a guy following you the entire time, it's better if we use the next stop." Phil explained. Techno decided to enjoy the drama while it lasted

"Imagine almost getting kidnapped. L."

Tommy's only response being, "So I'm special, HA. They want me because I'm really special!"

He then proceeded to wait the next 2 hours of the journey in silence, having the first words he said to his relatives being about how he was almost kidnapped for being so special.

(Yes this is a true story, my youngest sister has blonde hair and blue eyes so decided she was special for almost being kidnapped.)

SBI one shots but it's based off my siblingsWhere stories live. Discover now