Poker Face + Car

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Let's set the scene okay guys
Wilbur and Tommy are playing wii games and they're running on lack of sleep

Wilbur decided it was enough of Just Dance because Tommy was just shit at it and he was on the verge of collapsing so he picked out on of the singing games.

"Oh yeah let's sing fucking poker face I'm so fucking good at that yeah"

Tommy didnt know the lyrics he was bullshitting. Wilbur agreed because he had decided he will sing the entire song in an Eric Cartman voice and win, that didnt last long because he couldn't get the points and there was no way he would let Tommy win. That turned into a try hard and a gremlin shoving each other until they fell to the floor, Wilbur still trying to sing with Tommy trying to pull the microphone from his hands while screaming.

See this woke Technoblade up, he took the disc out and threw it out the window.

End of Poker Face

Theres a few short moments so have another story

Wilbur, Tommy and Tubbo are in the back seat of the car. Tommy's in the middle and his seat belt isnt working, Wilbur being freshly traumatised by the graphic car crash videos he got showed in class managed to create a shitty makeshift seatbelt by holding it with his own and putting his arm over Tommy as a joke "theres your seatbelt bitch". Tommy took this as a hug and attempted to hug his brother, Wilbur pushed him off.

This left Tommy and Tubbo just looking at each other before Tommy shrugged and used Tubbos shoulder as a headrest "bro, that's not fair" Tubbo wasnt happy. Tommy sat back up and looked Tubbo in the eyes, a minutes silence before "okay so, I put my head down and then you use MY head yes okay". They seemed to understand each other, Wilbur had overestimated them as he watched them both smash their heads off each others in an attempt to put their heads down at the same time.

Never think they understand each other. Just watch as they whine afterwards and smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2022 ⏰

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SBI one shots but it's based off my siblingsWhere stories live. Discover now