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Ranboo's POV

It had been almost forty years since Ranboo and Tubbo had gotten married, and so much had happened
in that time.

Ranboo had been revived about a year after they died.
Michael was now out on his own adventures, and from the letters he sent his parents, it was going well.
Tommy had found another child, whom was a moth hybrid thing, that he had named Clementine.
Tubbo and Ranboo had also had a daughter that they named Amice.
And much more (I can't think anything else...)

The beloved couple were now 54, Tubbo soon turning 55.
Ranboo was quite excited to celebrate their husband's birthday.

It was now the day of the birthday and Ranboo being Ranboo, had woken up at 7:00am, and had immediately gotten up to get ready for the day.
They wore a simple blue sweater, that their father had made them a few years ago, and some dark gray jeans.
After putting in their earrings, they went to wake up Tubbo.

"Tubbo, time to get up," the Enderin hybrid said softly as the shook their beloved gently.

The sleeping male, well, stayed asleep.
Strange... It was usually pretty easy to wake up Tubbo.

Ranboo shook him a little less gentle this time, but to no avail.

They began to panic.
"Tubbo? Please get up, today's your birthday."


"I made you a cake."

Still nothing.

"T-Tubbo?" Ranboo said as they shook the smaller, much more aggressively this time.
The goat hybrid didn't even stir.

The Enderin hybrid felt the familiar sting of tears start to pool at their eyes.

"Tubbo! Please get up!" they said, and when the brunette didn't stir, the tears began to fall, burning Ranboo's duel coloured face, opening up the old scars.

They clung to Tubbo's body, their tears, and a bit of purple blood, falling onto him.

"Please, I beg of you. Wake up ⋔⊬ ⏚⟒⌰⍜⎐⟒⎅." Ranboo said as they buried their face into their beloved. They hadn't even ment to speak their native language.

They waited. And waited. And waited some more.

After about twenty minutes, they called their father for help.

"Hullo?" Said the familiar, monotone voice of the Blood God.

"Uhm, hey dad..." Ranboo said as the rubbed at the fresh wounds on their face that they still needed to clean and bandage.

"Woah, you okay? Were you crying? What happened?" Techno said quite panicked, and from the sound of it, he was already putting his cape on to leave.

"It's T-Tubbo...." they said.

Ranboo could hear a low growl from over the communicator.
"Wha'd the fucker do this time? He didn't hurt you in anyway?" the Piglin hybrid said as he opened a door, most likely the front door, cause Ranboo could hear the sound of wind after that.

"No he-" Techno cut them off.
"Ranboo, I'm not just talking about physically hurting you. Mentally and emotionally count as well," he said sternly.

"No, no. He just won't wake up. I tried everything I could think of. Shaking him. Pulling the covers off. Pouring water on him, everything!" Their voice cracked as they looked down at the burn along their leg.

They curled up into a ball, wrapping their tail around them as they waited for a response.

Technoblade's POV

Techno stood out in the freezing snow as he processed what his child had just told him.

After a bit, he was taken out of his thoughts by the muffled sound of sniffling and the all too familiar sound of something burning.


The Piglin took a deep breath before beginning to walk, almost running, to SnowChester.

"Ran, kid, listen to me," Techno paused until he heard a small 'okay' from the communicator. "I need you to stay calm, just until I get there and figure out what's goin' on with Tubbo, deal?"

The Piglin hybrid had learned Ender after finding Ranboo, but that didn't mean he wanted the other hybrid speaking it, because if they did, it was more likely they would start enderwalking, and Techno didn't have time for that right now.

"I need you to speak English bud."

"⍜☍- okay..." Ranboo said shakily.

"Thank you," Techno said as he listened in on the voices to get their ideas on what was happening, even if he was almost 100% sure he already knew.

'Okay so, if Tubbo really is dead, (judging by the name of the fic, he is) couldn't we just get Dream to revive him?'

'True, but I doubt the author's going to let it be that easy'

'Dream went missing ten years ago (probably died, the looser) and you can't revive someone who wasn't killed. If you die of natural causes, then you can't be revived. At least that's what the author's AU says'

'Wait, how'd you learn the AU?!'

'I thought we were all told before getting here?'



'Oh, well thanks for telling us now!'

Techno sighed. It was just the same nonsense as always. But they were right, even if you could revive someone who died of natural causes, (sickness, old age, ext.) Dream had randomly disappeared over ten years ago, and had taken the revival books with him.

The Piglin hybrid finally stood in front of massive mansion. He didn't even bother knocking, he just strolled right on in.

He ran up the many stairs with ease, then went looking for Ranboo's and Tubbo's bedroom.

He found it pretty quickly, having come here when Ranboo was dead to help with going through all their stuff, and of course to come steal their little piglin son.

When the pinket opened the door, what he saw broke his heart.

Ranboo was sitting on the floor with their head on the bed where Tubbo's unmoving body lay. The Enderin hybrid had gotten their dark purple blood on the sheets, but that wasn't important right now.
What was important was the fact that Ranboo was bleeding from crying, and Tubbo was seemingly dead.


This took foreeevvveeeeerrrrrrrrrr, but I really like how it came out.

Chapter two is being worked on right now, so it should come out soon.

ANYWAY! Hope you have a wonderful day/night, and if it's night, GET SOME FUCKING SLEEP OR I WILL STEAL YOUR FOURTH TOE.

If it's day, get some water and food please ∠( 」∠)_


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