She watched, through the rain, as the last person who gave her life meaning was lowered beneath her feet. She couldn't hear a thing - not the rainfall, not the cries, not the voices - just the ever expanding silence in her head. It was as if every sense slowed to almost nothing. Her mouth was dry, she couldn't move, couldn't smell, couldn't hear. Only watched. There was no room for anything else, nothing more to do, except watch. Only watching. Watching something so simple bring an end to everything she cared for.
And what was left of her heart was buried with the casket that held something no different from her. A soul consumed by death.
She awoke the next morning, not remembering anything from yesterday. All she could remember was the silence. The silence that came with death. It was almost a tradition at this point.
She knew how these things went - how they were supposed to go. You would be sad for a few months, everyone would say "I'm sorry for your loss" or "It'll get better soon", and you would move on.
But that's not how they actually go. In reality, it doesn't ever heal - not fully, anyways. You never forget that there is a hole where someone that you once loved or cared for used to be. You never forget that your life wasn't filled with pain, before it all. You never forget that colors were once bright, that silence was once peaceful, that being alone was once comforting, that time was once fast, and that living was once content.
This morning was different from the rest. As she got up from the bed to look out her bedroom window, she was met with the most peculiar sight. Time was no longer moving. Everything was still. The sun was shining, but there were no colors. Children were playing in the street, but they were not laughing. The wind was blowing, but the leaves did not move. Cars were driving, but never making a sound. And that's when she figured it out.
Time is a blessing and a curse. While it's good when you have it, when you run out, it's torture. It's exactly the thing that can give you joy, but then steal it from you the moment that you need it most. Time is the villian. It takes the things you love most, never gives them back, and watches you live in a slow haze that stretches out like an endless horizon. It can never be merciful.
She slowly closed the blinds and meandered her way back to the bed, where she went back under the covers to try and escape from time.
A/N I really liked this one, but would change the ending. The ending isn't quite what I would want it to be, although I did write it in like 45 minutes. Tell me your thoughts if you want, I would greatly appreciate it! Hopefully it's not too awful of a read, haha.
- MJ <3