☹︎Chapter One: Favor☹︎

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Hello there birds long time no see-
Also I put a warning on the description so pls read it first..

Already read the warning?
Damn your fast than meh-  Also how's ur day birds?
If your having a bad day don't worry here's the puppy

Already read the warning? Damn your fast than meh-  Also how's ur day birds? If your having a bad day don't worry here's the puppy

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this precious pup will cheer you up his in the mail box, Dam to cute like you birds-

now let's start birds!


-Narrator pov-

Philip was wondering around the area to see Spain looking at the flowers, Phil decide to talk to him "Hi kuya Spain! " Phil waves at him. Spain notices and waves back "Hi Phil" He smiles then went towards Philip and talks about stuff then Philip brings up something that makes spian quite and sad "Kuya Spain.. when will your father free me and my people?." Spain then pats Phils head

"Idk maybe one day Phil.. one day.. " Spain  wants to free Phil and his people too but he has no power to do it.

Spain was about to play Philip in the garden then his maid called him "Young master! Your father is calling you.. " The maid said as Spain sighs with sad expression

He nod his head a little and waves at Philip as he walks away..


Philip went to the room he is now sleeping, He hop on the bed and thinks about his family... 'mom... dad... kuya.. I miss you.. ' he cries a bit and fell asleep while crying then a shadow came in the balcony.

the shadow looks at Philip crying in his sleep then the shadow wants towards him and pats his head to comfort the sleeping Philip.

Sleeping Phil stops crying in his sleep and felt warm, The shadow left in his room and went to S.E room.

-??? pov-

I went inside S.E bedroom to see him asleep but I still need to be careful, As I was carefully went towards him and pulled out a knife S.E quickly wokes up and grabs a weapon near by and looks around "WHO'S THERE?!" He yelled in his room.

The good news was I'm under his bed ((Are you his paralysis demon. -)) S.E then hops off the bed and went to his closet to find if there's an intruder, he looks around then slowly went towards the bed,

He peeks under the bed then I grab his head and slam it on the floor, I got of under the bed and stabs his stomach. Then I stab his chest while he screams in pain. The doors locked so guards can't save him "How stupid of you leaving the balcony doors unlock.. " I said then put my knife on his neck ready to slice it open

"W-wait stop I can give you money- Anything! " S.E said with fear in his voice "Anything?. " I ask "ANYTHING!!" he shouts while his sneakingly trying to get a sharp glass near him, I stab his hands on the floor "anything.... Then 𝙂𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙢𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙙. " I said then slice his neck open.

I Quickly cut S.E Head and hang it on his wall "What a disgusting painting..." I said then left the room by jumping of the balcony 4th floor.

I then went to ??? room..

And he gave me 4 bags of golds in return "Thank you for doing my favor.." he thank me "No.. I thank you for trying to protect Phil and my people... " I said and was about to leave the room then he spoke "Your people?.. " then I vanish in front oh him in the blink of an eye...

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