¤Chapter Two:Free¤

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bro- I'm sorry for not updating any shits today there tons of shitty things to do ;-;
Welp here's the story ENJOY BIRDS!!

I͢..... I͢..... I͢..... I͢..... I͢..... I͢..... I͢..... I͢..... I͢.....

-Narrator pov-

After the death of S.E the maids made Spain and his siblings even Philip stay in their rooms for a while.

The guards tried to figure out who killed their emperor(or whatever idk) now they surrounded the palace so no one can get in and while the people of Spain mourn over his death (well not all)

Philippines was terrified after witnessing S.E's head hanging on the wall, Yes Philip went to S.E room to check just to see his head on the wall. Poor Philip must me traumatized seeing someone died again.


-??? pov-

After killing S.E I have other business to take care of but...  I'm still looking after philip while hiding.

I then invade a country to see if they have any goods, Well they did so I told my men not to hurt the people since we made a deal.

"Hey, ??? are you ok? u seem to space out. " I look at the guy who spoke to me to see "Ah poland, I'm fine just thinking of something." I said.

Yes I invade Poland's land to get him away and his people away from Germans and Russians invasions,
"So when will I meet your brothers kid? "  "When u both grow up to 17" I said he sigh "that's to longg" he whined then I pat his head "Don't worry there's still time.." I said and he nod and went back to play with other people.

I went to my office to sign the fucking papers. then out of nowhere someone barge into my room "What the fu-" before I could finish it, he went towards me and bought more papers, ' More papers in the middle of the night- gosh tomorrow I will look like a fucking zombie here ' I thought then told him to knock next time and leave the room.

He nod and left, I then went back to sign more papers and it looks like I have a alot *Sighs* "I won't get rest after this.. "


"Aight that's enough today I need more sleep from this shits" I went to my room and lock the door just in case someone came in and barge into my room again, I went to bed and slept...

°The next day°

Woke up from the sound of chirping outside the window, I went to the kitchen to make some coffee for me then went outside to go to my office.

After I arrive I saw Poland in front of my office "Oh hey kid do you need something? " I ask he look at me and said "Mr. *random name* said you have more papers to sign" I sigh ' tons of papers to sign what in the actual fuck- ' "thx for telling me kid, now go play with other children and good morning. " he smiled and left to play with other children.

' why the fuck do I have alot of papers ' I went in to office to my surprise my other brother is here

' why the fuck do I have alot of papers ' I went in to office to my surprise my other brother is here

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((this ain't mine as you can see, I'm not that good at drawing like that so yep not mine :) . ))

"what do you need brother? " I ask then he approach me "You sure your fine? you look like a damn zombie" he said "yes I'm fine just need papers to sign that's all" I said then he sighs "You know, ever since kati is dead.. you haven't been talking to people or me.. " he said with worried face I then Pat his head "sorry for not communicating I'm just.... busy doing stuff for us" he unexpectedly hugs me.

"I know I didn't do this but I'm still your little brother here..." he said my looking away, I chuckled and hug him back while smiling "heh, don't brother I won't die... I will avenge our people and families from them.. " we stop hugging and he helped me sign the papers and talk shits.

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2022 ⏰

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