7. How to Fix it? (edited)

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A/N: let's ask Everyone how to fix it! When I say everyone it means every Braincells That I have right now 🤣


3rd Person's POV:

There are 10 pairs of eagle eyes, glaring at Bas right now.

Well it's not that he did that in purpose, he just saw a stupid wishing star earlier and wished for something to clear his thoughts about his ex before he could give a proper response to Dun. .

Who would have thought those stupid wishing star would give him FortBeam instead?

And speaking of ForthBeam.

If you're thinking they're being lovey dovey now, nope. Those two are just sitting across, staring at each other.. Tsk! TSUNDERE!!!!

Beam, "Until when are you planning to Stare at me?"

Forth, "Until you can't resist the urge to speak to me."

Somehow that response made Kimmon proud of Forth, but na~ it only took a few minutes for him to be disappointed when he saw the guy swallowed! Ugh! The almighty Forth is Nervous because of Beam!!

Oh well, it's his wife after all ...

Kimmon, "Ehem! Would you like us to go somewhere so that you guys could talk .."

Beam, "Your name is Bas?"

Kimmon was surprised that the guy ignored him like that. He took a glanced at nong Bas and the others, and he noticed that they were surprised too.

He's really so not like their dearest Thanapon.

This Beam is NOT CUTE AT ALL!

Bas, "Yeah.." is he still mad at me? "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to bring you here .." I really didn't mean it okay?!!!

Beam, "You look so much like Nong Wayo." Only this guy looks more mature now unlike Wayo who doesn't look like he change at all.

Forth, "True, even the way you smile, it look so much like N'Yo."
He suddenly miss the little guy.

Beam, "The way he smile?" Bet you missed him so much for you to say that. This idiot Forth can't even fix this shit with me and he still have the guts to FLAUNT HIS EX FANTASY INFRONT OF ME?!!!

Forth, "......" oh no! He's really mad at me right now. "Beam, it's not like that."

Kimmon, "........" Wrong move!!!

Copter, "Ehem! Excuse me, Ai'Forth and Ai'Beam. I know it's not our place to ask questions regarding your "Very Romantic" relationship, but it really looks like you're having a huge misunderstanding right now."

Forth, "misunderstanding?" Then forth took a glance at Beam, and he saw his wife roll his eyes at him. ".... I guess so."

Beam, "You GUESS?!"

Copter, ".......pretty obvious actually." This Forth really knows how to irritate Ai'Beam! Geez!  "Would you like to talk about it? like just the two of you or..." Would you like us to help you or what?!!!

Beam, "Who told you we're having a misunderstanding? There's no such thing. After all, everything is clear to me. Well to be honest, I already know that this will happen sooner or later.."

Forth, "Beam. What are you talking about?" What is this? I don't get, it okay! Guess I'm still the same stupid Forth from way back then!

Beam, "I'm actually surprised that you're here. You should have stayed offshore, your new partner is there right?"

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