🐢A Silent Wish. (Turtle X Astronaut) 🚀👩‍🚀

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(In this story,Turtle meets Astronaut in The Masked Singer lobby,After talking to Astronaut for a while,Turtle realizes Astronaut can't speak yet)
"Hi"-These are for dialogue
'Hi'-These are for thoughts

3rd person POV:
The sun started to slowly rise and shined some light into Turtle's room. The reptile squinted his eyes at the sun and slowly got up from his bed. He grabbed his phone and checked the time.
"9:30, nice time to wake up." said Turtle as he let one more yawn escape from his mouth. He then quickly threw on his clothes and cheerfully walked out his door. "Hopefully I get to the lobby in time to get some of the donuts." Said Turtle, knowing that White Tiger always finds a way to snag the donuts first.
It had been a few days since the first episode of TMS:Season 3 had aired and Turtle had been put in group A. He's gotten to known his group members pretty well, especially Kangaroo (Aka his good friend.) As Turtle reached closer to the lobby, he spotted Kangaroo and decided to say hi.

Turtle POV:
"Hey Kangaroo! How ya been?" I asked her. "Oh Turtle! I've been good. How about you?" Kangaroo told me with her natural bright smile. "I've been-" I was then cut off by two other masks running past Kangaroo and I, one who looked like a T-Rex and the other wearing a full spacesuit.

"Woah! Who were they?" I asked Kangaroo, hoping she'd have the answer. "Them? Ive heard those two are from group C, last group in the competition, I've also heard they can't talk until they've sung their first song. Kangaroo said, having a pretty annoyed look on her face. I watched as the two masks ran off into the distance, probably going into the lobby, which reminded me I have to get there before White Tiger does.
"Sorry Kanga but I gotta go! See ya!" I ran off before she could say goodbye back. As I reached the lobby doors, I looked around to see who was inside. Llama and Mrs Monster were laughing and talking, Robot was sitting peacefully to himself, White Tiger heading for the food section, and finally the two unknown masks from earlier. I tried not to focus on them and get to the food section before White Tiger does. I walked over and saw that all of the donuts were gone..again! Suddenly, I heard laughing behind me
"You're gonna have to be quicker than that! No donuts for you today." It was White Tiger.
I didn't have the time to argue with him about donuts so I went to an empty table and sat down. As I was just sitting down, I felt a tap on my arm, which made my jump a bit. I turned around to see that it was one of the unknown masks from earlier, the one with the spacesuit.
3rd person POV:
"Can I help you?" Turtle asked the unknown spaceman, feeling a little bit confused. The spaceman then handed Turtle a donut,causing Turtle to give a confused look back. "Oh, well thank you."
Turtle said while taking the donut and taking a bite. While Turtle was eating, he noticed the small spaceman getting into a chair that was at the table Turtle is at.
"So I guess you're staying with me?" Turtle asked the spaceman with a hint of joke in his voice. The spaceman nodded in return, leaving Turtle with another confused look, why won't he just speak? Turtle brushed off the thought and decided to introduce himself. "Well I'm Turtle, and you are?" Turtle asked with a cheery tone, trying to seem a bit more positive. The spaceman crossed his arms, wanting to know if Turtle was serious or not.
"Okay okay I get it, your name is obviously Astronaut, right?" Turtle asked the small spaceman and he nodded in response. Turtle was really starting to notice the lack of speech Astronaut was using, so he decided to ask him about it.
"Hey um.. Astronaut? Quick question, why aren't you speaking?" Turtle asked Astronaut but then he suddenly remembered what Kangaroo told him.
"I've heard they can't talk until they sing their first song...."
Turtle POV: (for whatever reason)
As soon as the realization hit me, I felt stupid for asking Astronaut the question, but I'm sure he could tell that I realized why he wasn't speaking. After an insanely awkward moment, I noticed Astronaut writing in a journal. I was getting ready to ask him what he was writing about until he flipped the book over for me to see. "You're cool, would you like to be friends?" (NOTE: Astronaut did not directly say this, it was written down) My eyes slightly widened as I read what Astronaut had wrote. "U-uhm, sure! You're pretty cool too." Just then, I heard one of the producers calling my name and telling me it's time for me to practice my next song. "Guess I gotta go. I'll see ya around Astro!" I said as I waved goodbye to my new friend.

Astronaut POV:
I watched as the reptile left the lobby, feeling a bit sad that he couldn't stay any longer. After Turtle left, T-Rex came up to me signaled me to come back to our trailers. I nodded and watched as she left the lobby too. I looked around and suddenly noticed I was the only one in the lobby. I didn't wanna seem creepy so I got up and left too.
As I was walking to my trailer, I heard a voice, but it wasn't someone talking. They were singing. I followed to where I heard the singing coming from and ended up near the stage. I looked around and was mesmerized by how pretty the stage looked up close. As I was still gazing at the stage, my eyes laid on someone familiar. It was Turtle! I had forgotten that he was going to practice his singing. Once Turtle was finished singing, he looked back to where I was secretly listening. I quickly crouched down and hid, hoping that he didn't see me. Thankfully he didn't because soon after, he walked off of the stage and back to his trailer.
I jumped back up and ran to my trailer, quickly shutting the door. I sat on my bed and stared at the ceiling. 'I wish I could just talk to him..' I thought to myself. I knew it was gonna be a long time before I could even speak in general! The first episode had just come out and I'm in the last group, he will probably forget me by then. 'Making that wish was stupid!' I thought to myself. 'It was just a dumb wish!'
' A silent wish'

+1140 Words!+ (not counting out of story words)
(Sorry if this seems too long, doesn't make sense, ETC. I've had this idea for a while and I finally wanted to write it! I also didn't expect this to be that long so PT:2 Will be out super soon! See ya later Masked Fans!)
EDIT: I edited this a little bit just because. I wanted to make it seem better cause when I first published it, I kinda rushed it 😓. I also made a note for when Astro uses his journal to communicate with Turtle. I used quotation marks just to indicate that there was some kind of communication going on. Sorry if anyone got confused! I promise I'll get better at this. See ya!

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