Chapter 1

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I REALIZED I DID NOT PUBLISH THIS AND IT WAS WRITEN IN NOVEMBER SO MY WRITING SUCKS HERE BUT MERRY CHRISTMAS LMAO . Also, the song above was the song i originally listened to while writing this, so enjoy it as well. 


The Funeral was quite quick.

He held his Father, comforted him, let his father cry on his shoulders and grieve. He watched his father cry like a baby in front of him.

Wasn't that good enough?

Why didn't father want to look at him anymore, then?

Why is Father distancing himself from him?

Did he do something wrong?

Is it because he looks like his mother? Is that it...?

As soon as the Despair and guilt overtook Cale, his thoughts were in shambles.

" It was my fault for Mother's death, wasn't it? Father won't look at me anymore because i look like mother. I miss Father. Why won't he eat lunch with me anymore...? " Cale spoke while choking out a couple sobs coming out from him, he tugged the blanket of his mother's beautiful bed.

He was in his mother's bedroom. It was spacious, made of pure luxuries and was filled with red-like things, fitting her appearance, pure aesthetic and personality that she had. 

He missed her, He missed his mother. So so much, It had been a few days since his Mother passed away. The Mansion had already turned even quieter.

Cale sobbed into the blankets, climbing onto the bed position his mother used to sit in while she held him.

He so clearly remembered his mother.

His mother had been sitting on her bed, caressing Cale's hair and kissing his forehead, while reading him a book and smiling at him. She was so loving to him, kissing him and praising him for his deeds, practically for every small things the young Cale could remember. Even when remembering it, Cale just sobbed even harder.

" W-why did Mother have to die...? I-i ... " Cale once again choked on his sobs, his whole face being red from crying. His hiccups echoed the room, the room that had nobody but him in it. He was alone, with no one to hug him, to baby him, to care for him. Nothing.

His eyes were red, his lips were red from biting them too hard while sobbing. He wanted his mother.

He wanted his mom. To hug him again and tell him a story to sleep. He wanted her hugs.

He missed her so much.

Cale could only sob into the sheets and let out his thoughts without any comfort to find whatsoever.

' Maybe if i join mother, can i hug her forever? ' were the thoughts of Little Cale until he fell unconcious on the bed sheets of his mother.

Due to the intense crying, with how red he looked despite his bloody red hair, his conciousness fell low and despair overtook him once more. 

The small figure laying on the beautifuly big bed with red sheets that represents his bloody hair and even the mother's was sleeping, if you can call that. Before that he hiccuped like never before, crying and calling for his mother. Yet to no avail, the mother had yet to have responded to his calls. 


" My cutie, did you like the story? " Jour widely smiled at him, looking at him with such love and care. She spoke softly and gently to him, caressing his short, red hair while holding the book she just read tightly to his side. 

The boy in her lap, looking exactly like her and looking at her with such love too, smiled and giggled, responding with an excited " Yes mommy! I loved it! ". With the response, the woman laughed along her baby boy and kissed his forehead, hugging the child lovingly. 

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