‎ﺃ'ꪑ ᦓꪮ᥅᥅ꪗ!~[ᦆ]

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Felix pov.:

Slightly nervous, I went towards Hagrid's hut. I had arrived 10 minutes before class and knocked on the big door. When the door still didn't opened after 2 minutes, I walked towards the meeting point of 'Care of the Magical Creatures' . Maybe Y/N was already there.

I walked halfway back and saw Y/N a little further away.
"Y/N!" I called over what felt like the whole square and jogged in her and Hagrid's direction.

"Good Morning Felix." Hagrid smiled at me and devoted himself again to his preparations.
"Morning Hagrid!" Y/N turned to me, looking at the ground.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you before... I didn't know how you would react. I didn't want you to find me repulsive then, so I-"
"Stupid, why should I?... " She boxed me lightly on my shoulder and finally hugged me, which I returned with a smile.
"I'm sorry.."
"It's okay. As long as you're not doing it again!" I nodded fast and saw Jisung and Ryujin walking towards us laughing.

"Do you get along again?" We nodded at the same time on Jisung's question and waited until the lessons began.

When Hagrid finished the lesson, we went to our dormitories and got our books for the next subjects. For example, I now had Arithmancy with Jisung and 10 other students, while Y/N and Ryujin had astronomy with other students, but this only took place at midnight. So the two of them now had a nice free classes. I ran up the high tower with Jisung and dropped into my seat.
"Why does this have to be so far up?" The boy on my opposite only shrugged his shoulders and also sat down at the table.

Y/N pov.:

"Come on, come on!"
"Wait, I'm not as fast as you..!" I stopped briefly and held on my knees. Ryujin also stopped and sat down in the grass underneath her. Slowly I walked up to her.

"And now?"
"Enjoy the sun of late September." I looked at her in disbelief.
"And why did we have to run for that?!"
"Stop whining and lie down." I looked up at the sun and heard a quiet laugh.

"No thanks... The grass is wet." I grinned.
"What?!" Frightened Ryujin got up.
"Oh no, no. Now I have to clean the cape again. Are you coming with me? Pleaasseee?"
"Hmm sure" I walked after her laughing.

Chan pov.:

"But you don't really want to do that, Hyung..right?"
"I don't know... It's interesting to participate in something like that." I leaned slightly backwards and looked at Minho, who bit on his lip.

"Well, actually yes, but..." He trailed off.
"But what?"

"You know how dangerous this can turn out. We are afraid, even if we know that you can do it and you have what it takes. Something can always go wrong and we don't want to lose you too..." Slightly smiling, I sighed and put a hand on my brother's shoulder.
"Of course something can always happen, but I wouldn't be Chan if I wouldn't take care of you guys or myself Minho. And with your support, you can't loose me at all." Now a slight smile crept on his lips.

"Okay, but you shouldn't tell grandma and grandpa... They would tear your head off." We laughed for a short moment and then got up.
"All right, but they need to know somehow. Sooner or later they will find out anyway." The slightly taller nodded and slowly went towards the exit of the hall.

"See you later!"
"Yo" I set out for 'Defence Against the Dark Arts'. On the way there, I accidentally collided with someone.

"Oh, sorry.. I'll help you!" I squatted down to collect the books and stood up again.

"Oh hey Jeongin."

"Sorry again because of what just happened. What classes do you have now?"
"Muggle Studies and you?"
"Defence Against the Dark Arts..."

"You don't look very happy. Isn't the compartment great?"
"I don't know. I used to find it more exciting." Jeongin nodded understandingly and pointed in one direction.

"Do you have to go this way?"
"Yes, you too?"
"Hm, if you want, we can go together."
"Sure." So we went a few more gears together and talked for a bit.

I have to say I never noticed how pretty the younger is. Shortly afterwards, our paths separated and we went to our lessons.

In the evening I caught up Felix and Y/N with Minho in front of the hall and pulled them with me.

"I wanted to ask you something. Well, rather say something. Minho wasn't very enthusiastic about it either, but agreed in the end." Confused, the two looked at me. Y/N briefly lost his mind and stared at the wall behind me for a moment.

"Please don't Chris..." She whispered.
"Please don't throw your name into the Goblet of Fire..." I sighed and then looked at Felix, who now looked at me with big eyes.

"You don't want to seriously-"
"I do. I know it got their risks, but I want to try myself out..! I know you secretly stand behind me and with you I can make it. Simply your presence brings me courage and the feeling that I am not alone." I stroked the isolated tear from Y/N's cheek.

"I swear, if you don't make it, I'll kill you...!" Y/N whispered. I laughed at what the three retried.
"With pleasure."

We went back again and Minho and I sat down with Ryujin and Yuna. While Y/N and Felix went to Jisung and Yeji.

Y/N pov.:

"Go ahead, you don't have to wait for me. I'm about to finish anyway."
"Okay, see you later." The two boys said, but Yeji still stayed next to me.

"Yeji?" I lightly pushed her arm and looked in the direction in which she looked.
"You're staring again."
"Oh come on, if you had a boyfriend or girlfriend, you would also stare at."Dreamily she looked in Ryujin's direction again and I continued to eat shrugging my shoulders.

When I finished, we left the Great Hall and made our way to our common room. On the way there, the guy from the other day walked past us. This time, however, I paid more attention to his cape, which bore the Slytherin sign, I nodded slightly.

"Hey Hyunjin!"
"Can you be polite just once?"
"I can, but do I have to?" He laughed and disappeared behind the next corner.

"Where do you know each other from?"Yeji looked at me confused.

".. We are twins. Did I never told you?"

(1112 words)

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