04. Kim Seokjin.

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I wake up from my deep slumber before going to bathroom extending my body. I brushed my teeth while the bathtub filled with water. After a good bath I walked out with bathrobe on than went to the kitchen while rubbing the dry towal over my wet hair.

I took out milk to do some tae.

I take the paper that attached to the fridge.

I frown my eyebrows in surprise. My head started to hurt and I gripped my scalp hair tightly. Is it hangover!? I didn't drink much though. But, suddenly I remember what happened yesterday.


The bicycle date, the herbal tea & the proposal. Wait!!

How did I come home. I need to call Namjoon. Did I pass out in between our talk!? Mostly, he proposed.

I walked inside my room than took the mobile and checked the date. Mon, 03 October 2022. Wait!! Isn't it already 05. I mean, on 03 I went to museum and on 04 I went out on a date with Namjoon than how did this change.

Is my mobile wrong!?

Making my way to living area I switch on the TV and to my surprise the date shows the same; Mon, 03 October 2022.

What the heck is happening!?

I started looking for Namjoon name in my contacts to call him but I couldn't find his number. What!? We just went on a date and talked the yesterday morning on call too. Than how did it disappeared!? I went to call records in case if accidentally deleted it. But, still I didn't find it.

Something is wrong.

Throwing my mobile on couch I immediately run to my closet and get ready. Coming back with my white bag I took my mobile and walked to door. When I opened it I met with workers bringing furnitures into the next door apartment.

"What is happening here!?" I ask one guy as he looked at me and smiled widely.

"Oh! Ms.Y/N. I don't know the famous model is here." He giggled. "And its!? A new person is shifting here. I hope we did not make you uncomfortable."

"No. It's ok. I should get going now." I smiled at him than walked away.

After driving to the museum. I wore my mask before I entered. I started to look around to find any worker. Namjoon is the CEO and I'm sure everyone knows him.

As I'm looking around I found a worker talking with some couple. I walked to them. "Excuse me!" He looked back at me than the couple also went away.

"Yes, miss. My I help you?"

"Yes. Where can I find CEO Kim Namjoon?"

The boy frowned as he try to recall the name. "Sorry to say but I don't know who is Kim Namjoon is and our CEO is name is Jae Ji-san." He looked back at me and made a surprise face. "Look back it's him. Mr.Jae." I look back.

Yeah, he's right. It's not Namjoon. Instead the CEO is a middle aged man walking & bossing around. But, this is the place I come though. I looked at the guy again. "Could you guess or at least heard his name before. He's really important to me."

"I'm so sorry. I don't know him miss."

* * *

I walked to my car but a shiver run to my back when I see the same pink gift box on it.

Taking it in my hands I hop inside after making sure I'm the only person here. As I settle inside I slowly opened the box and my eyes get teary watching the pictures.

It's me in supermarket doing my grocery. Nobody knows it's me I didn't even told anyone too. And other are me sleeping on my bed. How did he get inside my apartment? I close my mouth tightly before a loud sob escape.

'It's getting out of hands.'

Coming to the apartment which I call home. Didn't feel safe anymore and soon I found myself calling for the locksmith. An Ahjushi come with his tool box and started his work.

"Ok, ma'am now put your thumb for the scan." I keep my thumb on scanner and the lock scanned it. Than we locked the door and I put my thumb again now it's get unlocked.

"Thank you Ahjushi." I said as he bow and went away after collecting his tool box. After sighing to myself I unlock the door and get inside but goosebumps erupted when I feel a strong arm hold the door from getting closed.

I immediately look behind and I see a wide shoulders guy come stood in front of me with a meal box in his hands. Green color shirt never looked this good on any male I had known. He have a really pretty smile and tilted his head a bit extending his hands.

"Hello, I'm your new neighbor Actor Kim Seokjin. So, I bring you some rice cakes."


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