Origin of the TT Beast

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Danny, full name Danny Daniel Adam Fuentez, is a 28 year old amature author and actor that lives in Tobago, the hub of old magics and folklore creatures that hid in plain sight. His life has always been fairly uneventful, mundane, stale... in a word BORING. Well until 4 days ago that is. Thursday November 17th 2002, he wakes up with a burning pain in his chest. Now, usually Danny has chest pains occasionally, sometimes pains so intense that he blacks out or eventually pass relatively quickly. That day though... that seemingly average Thursday was something else. Something was way off.

Pain and heat so intense and excruciating that he was left with to choices. SUFFER IN SILENCE (an all too familiar go to for Danny) or GO TO THE HOSPITAL (something that he felt sick even thinking about, honestly he would probably rather die than go.)
So he made the obvious choice... he suffered in silence... for a full half day. Until the burning in his chest became literary visable, steam, a dim light emitting from the center of his chest. He then made the second obvious choice. The hospital.

Expecting to find some logic and explainable cause he heads to Scarborough.
His face went pale, blood becoming ice as he get the news from a portly young doctor

" I'm sorry Mr. Fuentez... it's an unknown illness. We currently have no idea how to even begin treatment. All you can do now is stay for observation. Of course we can't force you to stay but we recommend it."

Danny, mouth agape replies,
" I'm... uh... I think I'd rather be home right now... the pain, can you just give me something for the pain ?"

"I can give you some pills that will help ease the pain but nothing much else. Mr. Fuentez i urge you to reconsider, maybe we can find out something if you just stay fora while." said the young doctor looking positively worried

"I'm good doc, thanks for your time. If anything I will immediately come back. Thank you."  As those words exit his mouth Danny knew immediately that they were false. He knew that there would be nothing but God himself that would make him step foot back into a place that again. Too many traumas faced him within hospital walls that have never been treated or even acknowledged, a stone-headed young man with no fear of the future nor sense of want.

Looking at Danny with pity the young doctor said "Alright Mr. Fuentez, as I've said, we can't force you to stay but I have to say, with how this thing is spreading through your chest I don't see much hope past a month. So I hope you come back before it's too late"

Hearing those words Danny could think of nothing but going home, rolling a blunt and drinking whatever alcohol he could get his hands on. "Might as well, since my chest looks like it's on fire already, right ? Lol... fuck...."
He returns home and downs 3 pills with a small bottle of puncheon he found under his pillow from a week ago,
"Did he say anything about taking these with Alco ?" He shruggs his shoulders as he empties the remains of the bottle starts and starts to feel better. As you would expect a person who takes pills with alcohol he loses consciousness, Luckily (or maybe unluckily) he survives.
Danny wakes up a full 47 hours later with more pain in his chest and a headache that could kill a rhino, this time accompanied by a fever that evaporated his sweat.

He reluctantly goes to the hospital again, cursing himself for not being able to handle whatever this is on his own and again he was met with the young doctor. With a look of terrified worry on his face the young doctor again told him that he has this unknown illness that's spreading much quicker than estimated through his body.
"Honestly, you should have been dead... No one would survive a literal living fire in the chest cavity. Idk what to tell you... i was being optimistic before but i honestly don't know what to do."

Unaware of his volume, Danny said
"Just give me more fuckin pills or something man... I helped last time "

The doctor tell him it's not contagious, but they don't know what it is or how what might have caused it. Danny begins to feel worse.

"We will take a blood sample and research it. But for now take these and #^*$>?"

"What ?" Danny asks

"I said %(#<::  ×[#^ <×^^%*( " replied the doctor

Holding his head and squinting his eyes as if facing a blinding light and hearing a ungodly loud sound, Danny snatches the prescription from the young doctor and stumbles out faster than he realized. The sensation dies down as he approaches the pharmacy section, giving him enough time to at least get the pills prescribed.

He once again goes home, every day getting worse, only feeling slightly relieved in the ice cold showers, ice baths and guzzling pills. Soon the pills finished and the ice baths and showers lost there effect. He starts coughing up blood as well as feeling more pain in his chest and stomach. He is now too weak to go back to the hospital so he stays at home, hoping for some sort of miracle cure or treatment that will heal him.

The weeks go by and Danny gets weaker, coughing up bits of tissue, chunky bloodied things that seemed to move. His face becomes near skeletal, his skin grows grey, his hair growing wildly and white...

This isn't some happy ending fairy tale for you to jerk your happy glands with...
Danny Daniel Adam Fuentez does not recover by some miracle...

He dies an excruciating, hot, lonely and prolonged death. His body became engulfed in flames that didn't die out until he did.
Every one of his final moments were spent crying out for help from a family that could not hear him, a lover that did not love him and "friends" who couldn't be bothered to care.
Nothing about this should be a story written.
But there is one thing that happens that makes this story worth telling.

That night, following his unfortunate death, Mr. Fuentez's ashes left behind by his still unknown illness shook. From the ashes rose a hand grotesque, crooked, blackened as if burnt by hell's flame dragging itself. Followed by another, a head with bright white eyes, cracked skin showing flames beneath. This is were you may recognize something... Danny continued pulling himself out of the ashes only to see his knees facing the opposite way, much like a dog's and shackles bound to his flesh by the ever bright orange glow of molten metal.

In perpetual pain and heat, Danny howls in agony filling the night with an (ironically) chilling feeling of fear and sadness. He was filled with a blood lust so vicious and so undeniable that, as if by instinct he runs. On all fours like a beast at first and progressively on his k9 like legs, sniffing the air around him, the sweet scent of warm bodies inviting him to feed.

His senses at their peak, he finds a pair of travelers passing through the path to the wooded area at the end of Thompson way.
Danny, now fully consumed by his new urges makes a mad dash towards the couple, nothing behind him but a streak of orange and the sounds of chains. In an instant the pair becomes a one. Danny lands in a tree behind the traveler, the night falling silent save for the rustling if trees and the sickening sound of bones breaking and flesh being torn to bits. The traveler frantically looks around for her companion but only hearing the sounds.

Danny slowly steps to the traveler, mouth dripping with, what Seconds ago was a living breathing person, tears like lava flowing from his eyes and a beastly growl in place of his words. The traveler, too frozen in fear to speak, stares at Danny, not knowing how to react.

Danny, once again loses his senses and surrenders to instincts and consumes the last of the pair. The tears didn't stop from that point... so in addition to his now grotesque form and constant suffering Danny now also is in a state of Neverending sadness. A truly cursed existence.

See ? This story eats ass
But whatever,
Like it or not it's written. 🤣🤣

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2022 ⏰

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