Separated (ChloeCGS)

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Hey guys! I decided to get it started with me writing a quick story! I really hope you guys like it! XOXO



My heart was in my throat as Jackson and I boarded the train in New York City that April day. A member of the Children's Aid Society led us to our seats and advised us, "Be sure to smile and make a good impression on the people you meet!"

At age thirteen, I thought myself lucky—at least I had my older brother at my side. I still could remember Mama humming as she cooked dinner and my father's smiling face, but they had both died. For months we had lived on the streets until the Children's Aid Society sheltered us. Now they were shipping us on an orphan train to a new home and a new life.

As the train gathered speed, I caught one last glimpse of the city, the only home I had ever known. The next few days blurred together as our train bowered over rivers, lush farmlands, and empty prairies . Where were we going, and what would happen to us? Our destination and future were unclear and unknown.

As I sat in my seat, squeezed next to Jackson, I couldn't keep my mind off of the comments the other 'higher class' passengers on the train were making. Especially, this one family, who kept looking at us and clutching their belongs close for safe keeping. They kept whispering to each other, and I was able to catch a few things they said. While I listened closely, I heard rude comments like, "Those filthy urchins," and, "Who would ever even want them?". People around them would snicker at the comments, most likely agreeing with them.

Jackson must have been listening in on their conversations as well because he stood bolt upright from the seat. Everyone stared in surprise from his suddenness. I tugged on his shirt's sleeve, begging him to sit back down and ignore them. Even so, he violently yanked his arm away from me and marched up to the family of a teenage boy and his parents. They seemed considerably wealthy, I can assume, for their clothing seemed very proper.

"What? Is the little orphan want his mommy?" The boy said.

"Who do you think you are ! Talking about us like that, when you don't even know what this is like! My parents are dead! The least you could do is to show a little respect and sympathy!" Jackson exploded.

"My name is Charles Davidson. You should call me Mr. Davidson though, considering I am better than you." Charles retorted.

"You better watch your mouth. All you are doing is making this worse for yourself." Jackson growled.

"Jack. That's enough." I whisper, once again tugging on his sleeve.

"You sister has some sense, boy. You should take notes." Charles sneered.

"Come, Charlie. There ain't no use tryin' to talk any sense into people like them." Charles' father said in a heavy southern accent.

Jackson reluctantly sat back down next to me. He continued to glare viciously at the family. The look on his face was able to be clearly read. He wanted those people gone. He hated them with all his guts.

The train continued to trudge along, stopping every once and a while for coal or wood to fuel the train. The persistent rocking and the soft rumbling of the train eventually rocked me to sleep. For once, since my brother and I had left the city, I actually had a half decent sleep without many disturbances.

I finally woke up to Jackson shaking my shoulders. I shot up from the sudden jerking. Jackson didn't say anything. All he did was pointed out the windows. I blinked the grogginess out of my still sleepy eyes and looked out a window into the bright sunlight. My first thought was that we were slowing down.

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